from The True Believer, p. 87:
It is doubtful whether the fanatic who deserts his holy cause or is suddenly left without one can ever adjust himself to an autonomous individual existence. [...] An individual existence, even when purposeful, seems to him trivial, futile and sinful. To live without an ardent dedication is to be adrift and abandoned.
What do you think of this statement?
When I was in the borg, I imagined that people who left became lonely, miserable people. And I think this may be true in some cases. I myself have found it extremely difficult to live without the intoxicating sense of certainty that the JW holy cause provided.
To (in Hoffer's words) frustrated, ineffectual people like me who found confidence and renewal in the JW collective, what have you done to gain confidence in your own self? How have you learned to stand on your own, and feel good about who you are, apart from the endlessly self-exultant JW's?