More "classes" than you can point a stick at !

by refiners fire 20 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Farkel


    : What I cant understand is the significance of "Noahs wife"

    That's easy. Noah saved mankind from extinction. Jesus saved mankind from the eternal condemnation of sin and extinction. The "anointed CLASS(tm)" is the "Bride of Christ." Therefore, they were pre-figured through Noah's wife, since Noah was also a "savior" of mankind. Of sorts.

    This is all Bible-Based(tm) and you must trust these explanations or God will MESS YOU UP!

    Fred Franz was a genius at the most creative religious bullshit imaginable.


  • Satanus
    Do the animals in the ark prefigure the Great Crowd??

    Hahahahaha!!!!!! That's a good one!!


  • onacruse


    Fred Franz was a genius at the most creative religious bullshit imaginable.

    Actually, Freddie was beaten to the punch on this, by about 2,000 years. Heavy-duty typological/symbological/allegorical interpretation of the Bible began especially with Philo (a contemporary of Jesus), as he "reinterpreted Judaism in terms of Hellenic philosophy." Clement of Alexandria (2nd-century CE) carried this along into the Christian arena, and this method of Biblical interpretation reached it heyday with Origen (early 3rd-century CE). "This allegorical system enabled Origen to read practically what he wished into the Scriptures."

    Yet just another example of the WTS randomnly grabbing bits and pieces from almost every theological source and methodology on the planet, melding it into their own peculiar package, and presenting it as some divinely-inspired "new idea."

    Plagiarism at its finest.


    ref: A History of the Christian Church, pp. 72-75.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Farkmeister. Now that you have explained the significance of Noah wife, I understand completely the interpretation, in fact, it makes perfect sense. And that worries me a lot! Lol.

    The very next article in that same WT (July 15, 1960) is also replete with symbolic classes complete with descriptions in flowery language. The article is called “STAYING AWAKE WITH THE FAITHFULL AND DISCREET SLAVE” Hows this one :

    QUOTE: ….. Through the middle of this “broad way” is channeled a “river of water of life,” a flood of publications of crystal-clear truth bringing life-giving benefits to all who imbibe its refreshment……..Thus organizationally the “discreet slave” class since 1919 has been channeling an ever-increasing flow of Biblical publications by the millions that contain the “waters of life” featuring Jehovah’s will as emanating from God’s throne in heaven….. Note there are “trees of life” on each side of this “river of life.” These are the “domestics,” the anointed remnant as individuals, who draw first from these waters of truth. Being thus filled with truth, the individual anointed ones produce Kingdom fruitage and the fruitage of the spirit continually, during all seasons, to feed spiritually and help their many new associates of the “nations.”…… The anointed remnant as individual “trees” are also said to be producing “leaves for the curing of the nations.” …..”these faithful spirit-begotten, anointed sons of God will be shedding forth their “leaves” of service co-operation to help those of the “great crowd” toward their being healed. Yes, these “trees” are confirmed to be the anointed ones, because later, in this same prophecy, they are referred to as members of the “bride” class, those destined to be of Christ’s bride of 144,000 in heaven.”

    The “trees of life on either side of the river” class. The “Shedders of leaves for the curing of the nations” class. Heres an even better one though, speaking of a different “river of life” that one which flows eastward to the Dead sea.:

    QUOTE: Next we see that this “river,” too, has “trees” on both sides of this flowing stream. The “trees” bear new fruit each month, and their leaves are supplied for healing. This is identical with the Revelation scene already examined and applies to the individual treelike remnant who faithfully perform preaching services along with the channel organization to bring spiritual healing to the nations. …… Where would the divine will direct the formidable flow of this cleansing water of Kingdom truth with life-giving benefits? On our television screen of Bible prophecy we see that Jehovah God directs this river to flow eastward (from where Jerusalem’s temple area had been in ancient times) right into the Dead Sea. Now no fish have ever lived in the literal Dead Sea. But now note what happens to this antitypical Dead Sea! The Dead Sea here aptly pictures the deathlike circumstances that have prevented multitudes from seeing spiritual daylight during this time of the end. Satan has them securely bound as prisoners. He keeps them in great spiritual darkness through false religion…..….Jehovah now directs this flow of waters of truth to release the “great crowd” of men of good will from this Dead-Sea-like captivity….... The circumstances became livable. And so, as Ezekiel indicates, “fish” in great numbers became alive. In the almost thirty years from when this modern miracle began there are now over 850,000 of these “fish made alive” ones active with the “slave” class….

    The “Trees bearing fruit each month” class. The “revitalizing waters flowing into the dead sea” class.

    And as for the “Great crowd” perhaps we could rename them The “Dead sea like Captivity” class or the “Formerly dead fish now made alive” class.


  • Englishman

    Genesis 9. 20:

    Noah, a man of the soil,began the planting of vineyards. He drank some of the wine, became drunk, and lay naked in his tent.

    At last I have found my class. I belong to the drunken Noah class .


  • Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.
    Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.


    You neglected to include The Brazen as Jezebel Class.

    cheeses - of the-ones-who-have-no-class-class

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    I am of the "Israelites drawn into debauchery and false worship by the seductive wiles of the Assyrian women" class. Thank Gawd.

  • LyinEyes

    Hey I think I have found my "class", brazen as Jezabel class.

    I am beginning to seriously and wholeheartedly believe the GB is of the "dumbass class.

    Good lord, they have gone mad, and are getting worse.

    I really wonder what in the world Jesus is thinking right now about all the ways the GB have cluttered our minds .

    I remember when I first came on this site,,,,,,,,,, Jst2laws , explained why he choose that name. It is simple, Jesus gave us what we needed to know right there,,,,,,,, we dont need to worry ourselves with all the classes the GB decides to make up, and oh yeah, then they change .

    I swear the experience of being a JW ,has got to serve a greater purpose in my life somewhere down the line,,,,,,, maybe I wont be so gulliable in regards to religion ever again.

    I tried to watch a preacher on tv tonite and got so sick listening to him, telling some dumb ass story of how God blessed him with a first class airplane seat...........omg, how ignorant. Yet that is what I grew up hearing from the witnesses,,,,,,,,,,their wonderful favored position with God himself. Now I see what an idiot I was for believing it, and have seriously thought of getting out my old field service book and hitting all the doors I actually did make, and totally retract everything I ever said in favor of the WT and JW's........ how embarrassing.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Lyin. youre hot lookin enough to play Jezebel in "Jezebel the movie" so...

    Hey Cheeses, Im goin on holiday to Byron Bay next week. You up that way?

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    Even more 'class' than ass

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