The dumbest thing I did as a witness

by Vivamus 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • Vivamus

    When I was 14 or so, my attention got directed to Queen. And I loved them. I'd save my allowance to buy CD's, posters, books etc from them. I idolized Freddie and I knew every song by heart, could sing along with every lyric [not that it sounded so good when I did ] but I could...

    My love was not a crush or anything, it was deep, constant, and grew over the years. By the time I was 17 I owned every album available.

    And then.... I got involved in this cult known as the Jehovah's Witnesses and I got sucked in deep, and believed everything they said, including the multiple advises regarding music... And then I was discretely told that Queen was not appropriate music for a Witness. And I acted like a good witness and threw them all out. Yes, you read that correctly, I threw every album I owned in the garbage disposal bin...

    My love still existed tho, and when my beloved [and already long deceased] Freddy was heard on the radio, my heart jumped a few beats and I listened with passion, and a twinge of guild...

    And then I got DF'd, and I remembered all that I had missed out on while I was brainwashed, and I remembered my first love...

    And I started buying some albums again, the irony, and bought even more. And my love kept growing...

    *** Sings along "I'm floating around, on ecstasy, so don't stop me now! I'm a shooting star... " ****

    I just LOVE Queen!

    So, whats your dumbest action?

  • ozziepost

    Disfellowshiping a guy (or two) for smoking!

    BTW I bought a Queen album myself recently. Love their music too!

    Cheers, Ozzie


    VIVAMUS: I did the same damn thing

    I had so many albums, and then after attending a huge assembly, I threw out some very good albums. Some were audiophile discs. What an idiot I was.

    But, like yourself, after I kicked the JW addiction, I went out and started buying all the CDs/Records of the bands I once owned.

    It was so nice to have the sounds of these wonderous bands playing again in my home. NO scrutinization, no guilt, just sheer pleasure!

    It must be lovely to have Freddie's voice echoing throughout your home Vivamus. I loved Queen too, and it's nice to see the band/his voice back in your home. Mine too.

    I would have to admit, that was the dumbest thing I ever did. Oh did I ever hate doing it too...throwing out those records (LPs).

    Every week, I am constantly buying records. It's so nice to have those memories back with me again.

  • scotsman

    I was a Prince fan (way before he got sucked in by Larry Whatshisname) and when I saw him live I realised that this was better than the Second Coming. A few months later I had a "spiritual spell" (probably depression), wrapped up my prized CD collection, cycled halfway across Scotland's largest suspension bridge and dropped the parcel into the middle of the shipping lane. I bought his subsequent albums, listened to them once, then binned them in case they drew me back in to my dirty obsession.

    Ironically, me and my pals used to discuss what the Kingdom Songs would be like penned by our Purple Saviour. Now I know and wish he'd stuck to singing about sex.

  • LyinEyes

    Darnit, I loved Prince before his JW days. The clubs need some more sexy Prince songs to dance to ,I think I should sue the society for screwing Prince up and his music career. I can not wait to hear what Prince has to say about these years he blew off with the JW's, that is hoping he sees the the real "truth" about the WT, and tells them to kiss his little naked hiney.

    Oh Viv, I love Freddy to this day. Their music takes me back to high school and can you believe since I never got to watch much tv, before MTV was out,,,,,,,, I had no idea Freddy was gay...... Even the name Queen didnt tip me off, talk about naive.

    I still think Freddy Mercury had one of the most hauntingly beautiful voices of all time. "Goodbye everybody , it's time to to leave this world behind and face the truth,,,,,,,,mamaaa woooohh,....I dont want to die, sometimes wish I'd never been born at all.....carry on ,carry on, doesnt really matter." ( I am sure I got some of those lyrics wrong, my bad, )

    That part of the song , his voice , his range still gives me shivers.

  • DanTheMan

    I like Queen too, and I felt guilty listening to them as a dub, with Freddie having been gay and all that.

    I don't think Prince will last long as a JW. He'll be laughing at his stupidity here in a few years, when he realizes that religious fundamentalism is creative suicide.

  • DanTheMan

    double posted

  • blondie

    Believe that the elders were telling the truth after they had lied to me once already.


  • Vivamus

    LOL, I'm kinda glad I'm not the only one here that was so foolish as to throw all the albums out.... Shared misery is half misery

    Ozzie, yeah, Queen rocks!

    Rayzorblade, happy listening and buying those records again, my fellow Queen-lover

    Dede, I know what you mean! I get the shivers from his "Who wants to live forever?...."


    Dan, yeah, him being gay, and the song Bohemian Rapsody, with the line "beelzebub has a devil put aside for me" did it for me....

    Scotsman, ouch, throwing it in the river.... Happy listening to him now that your free again

  • asleif_dufansdottir

    I can not wait to hear what Prince has to say about these years he blew off with the JW's, that is hoping he sees the the real "truth" about the WT, and tells them to kiss his little naked hiney.

    ME TOO! It just makes me sick when I think of Larry Whateverhisnameis (I don't remember either) using the death of Prince's infant son to lure him into the "truth"

    Makes my hubby sick, too...he thinks 'Feel You Up' is the horniest song he's ever heard ... along with that whole disc it's on, on "The hits, the B sides" (I couldn't believe he spent so much on a cd set! He's so cheap!!

    Oh Viv, I love Freddy to this day. Their music takes me back to high school and can you believe since I never got to watch much tv, before MTV was out,,,,,,,, I had no idea Freddy was gay...... Even the name Queen didnt tip me off, talk about naive.

    You weren't alone! All us kids in my little midwestern town thought they called themselves Queen because they were British (Elizabeth and all ). I guess we just couldn't imagine that anybody was actually...(whispered) homosexual! We were such goobs.

    I wasn't a big Queen fan til I met my husband. That changed quick!

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