An incident was reported to me at a cong near me.

by poopie 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • poopie
    This df persons walks up to the cood and says i would like to give you my reinstatement letter because i have been attending meetings here ,the cood says do not give me that letter i need to observe you first then you can rurn in letter i ask my friend is that something new? The person only wants to return because they want to speak to there mother and father and siblings so thats the resl reason but now they have to sit and wait for this elder to observe them what hypocrites.
  • krejames
    I don't think this is anything new. Usually a d/fed person would need to attend the meetings regularly for a while, sometimes up to a year, before they'll even be considered for reinstatement.
  • sparrowdown

    No, they don't have to wait for the elders to observe them.

    The elders have no real authority.

    The elders have no business talking about or observing anybody.

    Face palm.

  • Virgochik
    How sad. What Pharisees. Jesus would have never treated the sheep that way.
  • wifibandit

    Return to Jehovah! , They said. Prodigal Son, they said. Loving Shepherds, they said.

    Ok, thats enough.

    To answer OP's question, They actually broke their own rules. Shepherd the Flock of God a.k.a. ks10 pg 118

    Even if the committee feels that it is much too soon to consider reinstatement, two members of the committee should acknowledge receipt of the request and briefly inform the disfellowshipped one that more time must pass. Written requests for reinstatement should be responded to promptly.

  • Finkelstein

    ....and like what others have said, could you imagine Jesus Christ saying that to someone who was repentive and remorseful ??? .

    " We are going to give you 6 months of observation before we publicly announce you as being wholesomely safe for all others to associate with, in the mean time you are not allowed to talk to the rest of the congregation, relatives and parents. Now go in peace "

  • Splash

    "After offering a prayer without the disfellowshipped one present"...

    They really are treated as contagiously diseased individuals, aren't they!

    I wonder which other religions or organisations are so abusive to ones they once claimed as brothers and sisters.

  • Crazyguy
    A dfd one has to leave before the prayer? Wow thats just evil.
  • ToesUp
    Oh those crazy "loving shepherds!"
  • Vidiot
    I really have come to believe that they don't actually want XJWs (DFed or otherwise) to come back.

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