That's not exactly correct. If three years haven't passed you have to write a letter of explananation and some times it goes through and sometimes it doesn't. If three years have passed then you don't have to write a letter and as far as I know, New York doesn't even know that judicial action has ever been taken against the individual. I don't believe they do any kind of records search on recommendations.
Can a Re-Instated Person Ever Become An Elder?
by Englishman 25 Replies latest jw friends
There are a few instances here downunder of men, formerly DF, now 'enjoying' the 'privilege' of being elders.
This came up because a brother that had been DF'ed was a ball "o" fire and it was decided by the local body that we would recommend him. He had been off restrictions 2 years and 9 months. When the CO came he stated the 3 year thing (in '98) but said we could send it in to the society (with the CO's agreement). A glowing recommendation went off and guess what, no dice!
A similar case arose in '99 and the society said explicitly, dont recommend him the next COs visit or the time after that! Once again the three year thingy. I quit in '99 myself, things always change.
As far as I know they dont do any records search on a recommendation by a local body and after three it is a non-issue in most cases. Once again they rely on the local body, (along with the CO's agreement) to do their homework in these cases.
Well, sing a song of sad young men - have no clue why I have just double posted! Software demons mangling my didgeridoo no doubt.
I have known of the example that Dino notes ocurring a number of times before. A MS was recommended almost three years into his probation after a reproof and the WTS sent back a negative recommendation.
There is a three year period, if an elder was reproved but *not* disfellowshipped, before he could be re-appointed and then only as a MS. It is normally a further two years before he could be recommended as an elder.
If an elder was DF’d, and dependent on the nature of his crime ( usually whether it was publicly scandalous ) he might be considered for appointment as an MS after three years. His re-appointment as an elder though, would take much longer, normally around a decade.
There was a time that a forceful and glowing recommendation would eventually have been accepted by the Branches. They would normally send a letter back once they received the letter of recommendation asking the body of elders if they were *sure* about the recommendation ) and if another positive letter was received, the person would be re-appointed.
These days they are much stricter and will very seldom respond to such letters from the body of elders if the person has not served his time. The WTS does not trust its elders any longer and view them as messenger boys to do their bidding. Of course most elders are to engrossed in their own busy lives to see that they are being manipulated like marionettes. The onces that do normally resign are forcibly resigned.
I don't believe they do any kind of records search on recommendations.
They most certainly do! I have seen written evidence of this type search on at least five occasions.
Let's catch up some time my friend.
The best to you and yours,
I know of a guy that's been disfellowshipped THREE times and is now an elder.
Nice to read you! Where have you been?
Best regards - HS
Hello again Hillary.
I will email you soon.
Take care,