by goo 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • goo

    Ok all you unwelcome one wannabee's here it is -

    Unwelcome One at JW.com Official Checklist

    1)has janh & comf overruled Charter 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights & run crying to simon posting a request for your deletion from JW.com because you expressed ideas contrary to their "idea" (singular)?

    2)has tina & janh accused you of being a troll on numerous occasions simply because you exercised your human rights according to Charter 19 Universal Declaration of Human Rights and expressed an individual viewpoint contrary to "theirs"?

    3)has Tina & Janh accused you of being a multiple poster?

    4)has Tina posted for the benefit of all others on the board your supposed "true" Modus Operandi?

    Unless you can answer in the affirmative to all of the above you DO NOT qualify as a fully fledged unwelcome one here at JW.com - I'm sorry.

    If you answered yes to any of the above you may be eligible to become a tentative unwelcome one.

    I hope this clarifies this matter for any of you in doubt as to your status on this site.

    goo - your friendly neighborhood unwelcome one awaiting deletion.

  • larc


    Why don't you give it a rest.

  • Abaddon

    Aw, goo, if you're on a witch-hunt again I'm hurt you left me out!

    I am amazed that you managed to type so many words without cut&pasting someone's word and making them bold.

    You actually seem to be the one offended by people having ideas other than yours, so if anyone is breaking Charter 19, it's you. However, your application of Charter 19 is legally dubious, and it's actually intended to stop real persecution, not stop your ikkle feelings getting hurt when you say something stupid and someone calls you on it.

    How come freedom of expression applies to you, but when people use freedom of expression against you, by calling you a troll, or debating your motives it doesn't apply? Are saying is that Charter 19 was designed to let goo be an asshole, but anyone saying anything bad about ikkle goo can't site freedom of expression?

    That's full of shit.

    I've seen manipulators online before, and some have been very very good. You're not very good at manipulating. Quit

    This is basically what you are saying;

    "Hi, I'm goo. Let me say anything I like about anyone and let me try to play with your heads, but no one can say anything bad about me

    No, stop ignoring me!! I want to be a martyr! Make me feel special!"

    Yawn x ten to the nine.

    Hopefully you will realise it's not working and start making sense or stop wasting bandwidth.

    Love and kisses

  • goo
    I've seen manipulators online before, and some have been very very good. You're not very good at manipulating. Quit

    yea i know abbadon but it seems my "manipulating" is obviously poor enough to work on some around here.

    goo. unwelcome one

  • BugEye


    Current analysis of distant supernova through the Keck telescope has revealed that
    the universe appears to be accelerating appart rather than coasting or slowing down.
    To account for this, physicists have had to add into their calculations a new unknown
    force that they refer to as the dark force.

    To account for the holding of galaxies together, they have had to include an unknown
    dark matter.

    In galaxies, dark matter is said to account for 30 percent of the mass in an average
    galaxy, and in the universal acceleration the dark energy is said to be about 60
    percent of the total forces in the universe.

    To put this another way, for all the high talk and scientific posing that happens, it
    appears that we know bugger all about what is really going on.

    Since we know bugger all about what is really going on, it never ceases to amaze
    me just how arrogant and dogmatic people can be.

    Humility isn't just a moral ground, its a statement of fact.


  • logical


    please shut up

  • goo

    hi bug - nice quote.

    abbadon & larc, it's ok guys, i understand, you're both a little cranky and upset you didn't qualify - but hey i didn't make the rules.

    goo. 2 days from deletion and counting.

  • dark clouds
    dark clouds

    seems like the 4H members are the only ones being pricked by your assessments goo. . .

    bugeye: thanks for the astronomy lesson

  • SixofNine
    To put this another way, for all the high talk and scientific posing that happens, it
    appears that we know bugger all about what is really going on.

    Since we know bugger all about what is really going on, it never ceases to amaze
    me just how arrogant and dogmatic people can be.

    Well said, Bugeye, and timeless words too, don't you think? Your words would have made just as much sense in the year 1901 as they do today. Maybe more.

    Still, I have to think that some people, the ones paying attention, will know a little more tommorrow than they do today. Seems like 'round here, there are some people paying attention, and some people just spending way too much time at starbucks.

    You aren't confusing people who have simply studied much, out of simple human inquisitiveness, with arrogance are you? And if those poeple get a bit frustrated with other people, who have fairly good mental quickness, but no real inquisitiveness (ie. they test well, and they talk loud), we can understand their frustration, can't we?

    Ps. Goo, why do you call yourself an "unwelcome" one? One or two people, themselves new to the board, and not working in any official capacity in regards to the board, make you feel unwelcome? Some of the things you have said on the board have made me believe you aren't stupid. So, again I have to ask, why the theatrics?

    It's not as if starting a bunch of dumb-ass, irrelevant-to-anything-of-substance new topics everyday is good for the board from anyones perspective.

  • Abaddon

    Ah, come on Bugeye. All you need to do is add a paragraph at the end saying, "Therefore we must trust to Jehovah, as we know nothing... etc. "

    You know perfectly well that taking an example of the amount unknown in cosmology and extrapolating it to EVERYTHING is daft. MMM... I know six words of Mandarin Chinese, therefore it follows I know very little about everything else. True, but not true.

    You can be dogmatic. Coffee smells good. Sex is great. Is it arrogant to have an opinion and defend it? Or, should one just walk away and leave the world to assholes? Obviously there seem to be two schools of though about whose the assholes; less obviously is that there are at least three schools of thought, as I strongly subscribe to the theory that EVERYONE is an asshole, and I'm not alone.

    There's also a difference between unsupported unargued opinion throwing and name slurring and reasoned debate, even if the reasoned debate does use ad hominum.

    Nice post, but I can't quite agree with the point you're making.

    oh, goo, you still haven't bothered engaging in rational debate about the subject you wanted us to all SLAM Jan for, so as much as my fingers crave it, all I have for you is in these angle brackets;

    < >

    Oh, one more paragraph then; if you are deleted in two days it'll be sad; I hope it doesn't happen; it would be far nicer if you learnt to play nice. Pulling hair and gouging is bad. Oh,if you are deleted, will you rise again in three days? Stop being such a martyr. Just 'cause you were a victim of the Borg doesn't mean you have to play the victim your whole life - it took me a while to learn that one, I hope you do to.

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