How to reply to- "just wait on Jehovah".

by runForever 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • runForever

     All you have to say is "Who says Jehovah is not using me right now?" Something to that effect.

    If they say you are just a low-life nobody just point out Amos nipper of figs. And if they say "Do you think you're a prophet?" say "God can even make the stones cry out!" :D

  • Simon

    Ha, I thought there was a topic called "just wait on Jehovah" that you were having trouble posting to.

    Carry on :)

  • leaving_quietly
    My favorite: What if Jehovah is waiting on us? After all, the scriptures were written over 2000 years ago!
  • OneEyedJoe

    I looked one poster's comments here (I can't take credit for this, but don't remember who said it first) who said:

    If you found a Catholic in service and exhaustively showed him from the Bible all the things that were wrong with the Catholic church, only to have him say "I'm just going to have to wait on Jesus to fix things" what do you day to that?

  • eyeuse2badub

    I've not only had the good old "wait on jehober" told to me since my fade, but I used that very phrase many, many time to "encourage" others. 

    Now when the elders tell me I need to "wait on jehober" I ask them if that applies to all jw's or only the rank and file dubs. Of course the tell me it applies to ALL jw's so i then ask doesn't the gb "wait on jehober" to get the correct story--you know, the truth-- before they print bulls**t lies in the wt literature? The need to constantly have 'nu-lite' tells any reasoning person the the gb didn't "wait on jehober"!

    just saying!


  • Vidiot

    I used something similar with my JW mom on one occasion when the pedo lawsuit subject came up...

    ...I said to her, "in the Bible, God used the surrounding pagan nations to punish his "chosen nation" of Isreal when they got out of line; who's to say that isn't what's happening, now?"

  • Finkelstein

    You mean just wait on the pretentious lies created by delusional men who think the ancient Hebrew god YHWH

    is going to tell them something .

    Seems like this direct channel may not be a reality after all, since these men always announce things that never come true.

    In a matter a fact, under critical investigation, it was found that these men created self supporting devious lies just to spur on the proliferation of their own published goods.



  • snugglebunny

    Take a look at this pic I took a couple of years back.

    I think it says it all..

  • Jay Elle
    Jay Elle

    I alway say... if Jehovah could make an ass speak for him then he can be using me too 

    also about the pedos in the news....I have found saying, "it would not be in the news if Jehovah didn't want it there."

  • LevelThePlayingField
    Jay Elle - Now THAT one takes the Cake!  Hats off to you girl!!

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