In Your Opinion, What Is The Purpose Of This Board?

by minimus 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • seven006

    It's a place for minimus to come and ask a gazillion questions without the fear of having his mom continually smack him up side his head for asking so many questions.


  • Jayson

    I'm on your side Min. (relax)

    I read all the time that we are here for "them." But truth is we are here for us. For some of us being here and helping others is not because we think that they will come to JWD and suddenly realize that they are being duped. It'd be nice but so would winning the Lotto. No we come here cause we want to. We like it We help people because that is what some of us do. And that is the purpose of the board and the reason it exists. Someday I hope Simon becomes filthy rich. He deserves it.

  • minimus

    seven006...f off.

  • seven006


    Whats a foff?


  • run dont walk
    run dont walk

    The purpose of the board is different for everyone, mainly some can vent, point out mistakes by the Watchtower etc., continuing contradictions, I believe alot of people visit here that are probaly wishing they could leave the Watchtower Slavery Ring, but it is not easy, especially when family is involved. If the Jehovah Witness Organization can acculate 6,000,000 members worldwide in 125 years, maybe now with the internet, we can decrease that number and show what the Watchtower really is !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A money making, contradicting, lying, brainwashing, bunch of BS. If they have the right to knock on doors and preach BS, then I and all people visiting this board have the right to say STOP preaching BS.I would gladly take on all comers who think the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society is right in everything they do. How can anyone be so stupid! (I hate to call people stupid, but they are)

  • Introspection

    To explore strange new worlds, seek out new life and new civilizations - to boldly go where no man has gone before!!

    Well, that or talk about JW stuff.

  • obiwan

    Well aside from the bickering of the kids here from time to time, I like to think this is a place where we can all get along and truely express how love should be, not the dub way. I can come here and know that anyone of you have had the same thing happen to them at one time or another. There are true friends here that cannot be found anywhere else, and that says alot coming from someone that doesn't call just anybody friends. I've only been here about a year but, I've been taught that different points of view are important, otherwise we might just as well be dubs still. The need to let those views roll off our backs is as equally important....It's interesting how you can learn things without meeting anybody face to face.

  • ozziepost
    One of the purposes of the board is to serve as a place for doubting witnesses to see that there can be life outside of the WT. This is the main reason that I tend to worry if some of the posts are too OTT in case we just send wavering witnesses scuttling back to the KH in disgust. That's why I'm a tub-thumper about overt obscenity appearing here.

    I'd second Eman's concern! I'm sure that individually, we'd be glad to help just one person see the truth about "The Troof", yet we here have a medium that could help a countless number of dubs and doubting dubs. Just imagine how we'd feel if this db could help a member of the WTS's heirarchy? Wouldn't we feel terrible if we were the one who'd turned them away from this place? Yet that could be the very position we were in this past weekend!

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • minimus

    So Ozzie, what should be done to prevent this stuff from happening? I'll give ya a hint. Have everyone play by the same rules. Then enforce them, less out of emotion and more out of principle. The board can be the best when we get less petty and argumentative. However, there's a fairness issue that always comes up and shouldn't be ignored. And if some personally decide to ignore certain troublemakers because they feel that's what's best----GREAT! But if others respond to nasty comments that are directed to them then they, if they are going to be censured, should have the same punishment as the instigator. It's like having the bully of the block taunt you and slapping you around for the longest time and then you give him a taste of his own medicine. Then YOU get the blame for retaliating. Sure, retaliation isn't Christian, but who's trying to be here?

  • Granny Linda
    Granny Linda

    Until two years ago I really did not know about these type forums. And for reasons already touched upon, I didn't stick around one particular forum to long because the whole topics (or so it seemed at the time) was about who did who in bed, seriously. I cannot recall really any conversation about "recovery" so I just left. Of course being politically incorrect by nature, that didn't help.

    Since that time though I've learned about internet sensitivities; which I still have at times. I'm not looking to get jumped on for expressing an opinion that I know will be taken by the posting majority as an opening to belittle and shame someone because they disagree.

    SO, I keep coming back to any forum because I've learned much. Peodiphile, UN, families torn apart by shunning, total hyprocisy of that filthy religion, the list goes on and on. And yes, on occasion to rant and rave, too.

    Just like in "real life" there are those you develop a like towards...and those you don't. Overall I think this forum is a good place to come and share. And as already mentioned, find some humor with some not so humorous circumstances. Or, too remember life doesn't have to be so damn serious all the time.

    good topic.


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