This was in California? Surely it was a "Gun Free Zone." How, oh HOW did this happen? Why, it wasn't even a high-capacity magazine either! It was a 7 round 1911, .45 ACP. Classic military pistol. Apparently smart kid, good grades, nice girlfriend, no history of discipline problems, and a Boy Scout ta boot.
I'm 40. When I was in high school in the 90's, we still had guys roll on up into the parking lot in their pickups with shotguns and rifles hanging on the back inside window. (typical country Pennsylvania/Kentucky/Texas/Western thing to do) We had ZERO school shootings. No one thought anything of it even. I often carried a folding lockback knife, as many other guys did. No one got stabbed. (though, it was rural, not the 'hood)
All up thru till about Columbine, this was normal in certain areas. After Columbine, that all changed. Americans have had rifles, pistols, CANONS since the Revolution. Occasionally, you'd have some sort of shooting, school set on fire, etc. It was VERY RARE. In fact, I'd say a hundred, 150+ years ago, you'd have been hard pressed to find an American that DID NOT own a firearm! It was a standard TOOL, something everyone had for protection, hunting, security.
So, what changed? The classic 1911 auto-pistol has been around since.......1911!!!!! Before that, you had quick lever-action Winchester and Henry repeating rifles. Scary fast in the right hands is an understatement. The Swiss (highly armed) the Israelis (highly armed with submachine guns!) don't have this fuggin' problem. So why America? Oh, it's a cultural problem all right, but not a GUN CULTURE PROBLEM. Guns are as American as apple pie, and they aren't going anywhere.
Could it be, oh could it be, the CULTURAL FILTH that we are constantly bombarded with 24/7???? Violence, thug music (I'm looking at you, RAP!!!), violent video games, lack of proper parenting, broken homes, lack of morals, selfishness, self-entitlement attitudes, triggered Dbags, confusion as to your own fuggin' gender, don't know which bathroom to piss in, Monsanto poisoning all of our food, bovine growth hormones in the meat, lead in the water, CFC's in the water, shit in the air, and free porn for all with a cell phone and little fingers?
Gee, big mystery as to what wrong is with society. But it's gotta be the guns, right?
The guns?? The GUNS???