Another High School Shooting ... Santa Clara California

by RubaDub 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Finkelstein

    The media sells violence in a big way, add in the gun violence in video games and that gets absorbed into the mind set of psychologically sensitive children and teenagers.

    Present that in a social environment where guns are readily available to own and what should one expect from all of those pertaining elements ?

  • joey jojo
    joey jojo

    There been 366 mass shootings in the US so far this year, but remember, the US doesn't have a gun problem.

    To even suggest it would be ridiculous.

  • iwantoutnow



    SEE WE DONT HAVE ENOUGH GUNS - THE USA HAS OVER 300 MILLION GUNS but we would be so much safer if we had 400 MILLION!!!!

  • WingCommander

    This was in California? Surely it was a "Gun Free Zone." How, oh HOW did this happen? Why, it wasn't even a high-capacity magazine either! It was a 7 round 1911, .45 ACP. Classic military pistol. Apparently smart kid, good grades, nice girlfriend, no history of discipline problems, and a Boy Scout ta boot.

    I'm 40. When I was in high school in the 90's, we still had guys roll on up into the parking lot in their pickups with shotguns and rifles hanging on the back inside window. (typical country Pennsylvania/Kentucky/Texas/Western thing to do) We had ZERO school shootings. No one thought anything of it even. I often carried a folding lockback knife, as many other guys did. No one got stabbed. (though, it was rural, not the 'hood)

    All up thru till about Columbine, this was normal in certain areas. After Columbine, that all changed. Americans have had rifles, pistols, CANONS since the Revolution. Occasionally, you'd have some sort of shooting, school set on fire, etc. It was VERY RARE. In fact, I'd say a hundred, 150+ years ago, you'd have been hard pressed to find an American that DID NOT own a firearm! It was a standard TOOL, something everyone had for protection, hunting, security.

    So, what changed? The classic 1911 auto-pistol has been around since.......1911!!!!! Before that, you had quick lever-action Winchester and Henry repeating rifles. Scary fast in the right hands is an understatement. The Swiss (highly armed) the Israelis (highly armed with submachine guns!) don't have this fuggin' problem. So why America? Oh, it's a cultural problem all right, but not a GUN CULTURE PROBLEM. Guns are as American as apple pie, and they aren't going anywhere.

    Could it be, oh could it be, the CULTURAL FILTH that we are constantly bombarded with 24/7???? Violence, thug music (I'm looking at you, RAP!!!), violent video games, lack of proper parenting, broken homes, lack of morals, selfishness, self-entitlement attitudes, triggered Dbags, confusion as to your own fuggin' gender, don't know which bathroom to piss in, Monsanto poisoning all of our food, bovine growth hormones in the meat, lead in the water, CFC's in the water, shit in the air, and free porn for all with a cell phone and little fingers?

    Gee, big mystery as to what wrong is with society. But it's gotta be the guns, right?

    The guns?? The GUNS???

  • truth_b_known

    The real issue is a lack of emotional intelligence with a combination of the poorly dubbed psychological issue known as "toxic masculinity".

    I've almost finished the eye-opening book "Emotional Intelligence" by Daniel Goleman. I highly recommend reading this book. The author breaks down exactly how the human brain functions on how that affects our thinking.

    There has been a recorded steady decline of emotional intelligence in recent generations. Throw into this the change in traditional gender roles since the women's movement began about 50 years ago, and we are left with generations of men who are suffering mentally and emotionally. Men are no longer the sole provider/protector/progenitor as women realized they are not second class citizens. Many men still use the same 4 yardsticks to measure themselves - violence, aggression, social status, and sexual prowess.

    So, yes, easy access to firearms will generate more mass murder. However, we also see in nations where private citizens are denied the universal right to defend themselves with arms teenage boys stabbing people to death with screwdrivers. Crime as a whole is decreasing, but violent crimes are increasing.

  • WTWizard

    No matter what, people will get their guns illegitimately. Some use these in an effort to get legal guns banned, often lying about the legality of their guns to do this. They go in and shoot up a place, often with stolen or otherwise illegally obtained guns, and then they jump on this as a reason why guns should be banned. When they succeed, it will be ridiculously easy for the government to enforce Noahide Law without worry.

    I remember a line on the All in the Family show trailer they used for an advertisement for that show. The daughter discusses the number of people killed by guns. Archie Bunker retorted "Would it make you feel better if they were pushed out of windows?" Guns are not the only weapons that can be used to kill mass numbers of people--it is actually more efficient to use bombs or flammable liquids than guns. (Not that I recommend that, either--you will probably pay with your life.) But, they use guns so they can disarm the public, making it easier for criminals and tyrants (who will get their guns regardless) to safely do their jobs.

  • Finkelstein

    It isn't the guns that are the cause of these killings, its the psychological social environment that these young people are absorbed into.

    The devaluation and degradation of human life has been increasing in recent years and its effecting are youth.

  • WingCommander
    @Finkelstein <<<< Nailed it!! Eloquently put.
  • iwantoutnow
    I don't know if the school allows students to carry weapons, but many will think it would be a good idea for the students to carry concealed weapons to provide personal protection.

    If you're not just saying this as a sick joke - you are an absolute fucking moron.

  • RubaDub

    WingCommander ...

    When I was in middle/high school in the late 70's (about two hours outside of New York City, a rural area), my neighbor and I would ride our bikes to the local hardware store with .22 rifles on slings over our shoulders or just hold them on the handlebars.

    We would stop at the local hardware store and each buy 2 or 3 packs (50 cartridges) of .22 shorts or longs, ride to the gravel pit, shoot cans or whatever else was around, get back on our bikes and ride home. Once the guy at the hardware store knew you and your parents, age was not an issue.

    If a kid did that today, he would be in jail. The hardware store would be out of businesss. Police would block the road off, fingerprint your bike, put crime scene tape around everything and you would be in a juvenile facility for who knows how long. With all the guns we had (only .22 calibers of course for kids), even at 14, 15, 16, years old, I can't think of anyone who would consider taking a gun to school and shoot anyone.

    You may have gotten into a fist fight with a bully sometimes, get a black eye, a bloody nose or exchange the favor, but the thought of using a gun never came to anyone's mind.

    It's a different world today.

    Rub a Dub

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