Did anyone else think that Sept 11 was Armageddon?
No. Not for one nanosecond.
Prior to 9/11, Americans were living in a self-imposed state of security in which they felt United States soil was invulnerable to attack. After all, it had not happened in 60 years, not since Pearl Harbor in Hawaii on December 7th, 1941, so this generation had never experienced it.(myself included)
If a person took the time to study history and world events, it was a foregone conclusion that eventually something horrible was going to take place here on United States soil.
Granted, there were the bombings of the WTC in 93, and also the Oklahoma City bombing in 95, but at the time that was attributed to a few isolated madmen acting out of resentment of government (Tim McVeigh and Terry Nichols)
I am talking something on such a catastrophic scale. Israel had been enduring terrorist attacks on almost a daily basis for years. It was only a matter of time before that hatred filtered West to the US.
So no, I did not think for one moment it was Armaggedon. Anymore than I would have thought the 1991 Gulf War was the beginning of Armaggedon, or 50 years ago people thought World War II was Armaggedon. However, the Jehovah's Witnesses do not waste EVERY opportunity to incite the ranks and proclaim that the end is ever so near, as they did 50 years ago, as they did 10 years ago, as they did on 9/11, and as they do now.
edited to correct a mistake, I had WTC on my mind and Oklahoma's perpetrators, had to correct the mixup.