i see 2 sisters today inj the fs .. so stop and start working them, they are so happy i know much about the wt. i went into some thing about selling mag's etc. and all of a sudden they went wild on how at the hall the co or somebody was asking for thousands of $'s for an assembly . and why do they need so much money when all the labor is free etc. so we talked about the wt and money for a while. and you know i let it out. they loved it. then they started asking me about john1-1 and the 144000 . heaven then fds etc. so we did a little bible reading and i went for jn 6-40-70 and how 6 million jw's walked away from jesus at the memorial. they wanted to know about col 1-15 and why all other bibles say different. i said check the kit and check the greek. then one sister said how her daugther don't study no more becuase the wt don't like the that she is going to college and not a pioneer etc. the sis said who the hell is going to pay her bills...we started talking about the U.N. and then the new light in the 6-1-03 wt on this . then she said that she waited a year for the wt cd rom now i know she has a computer . i tell them how i started my research on the net and when i printed out hundreds of page my dad said it was all internet bull++++ but when i went to the hall and the public library it was all there .. so now i don't understand what i read!!!!!!!! they ate it up. i was throwing out all kinds of stuff at them... i have both of their phone numbers and just called one and she said she wants to talk after she finishes dinner . they have so many questions that they say the el;der's willnot answer ... i will try to stick to the things i know best aqnd will come here for help when they stump me. i know i can count on you all. i think this will a big job ,but i see they are sick of the wt LORDING OVER THEM JOHN
today i hit pay dirt with 2 jw 's
by johnny cip 28 Replies latest jw friends
Good job!
That's great! That would have made my day!
whooohoooo! Get them to start questioning and the rest will be history!
Good going Johnny cip
Be vedy vedy quite. JohnnyC is hunting dubitts
Go get 'em!!
Little by little maybe we will undermind the WTS.
Wow! Sounds like a reverse Service Meeting experience!
Hi johnny. Very good ! Looks like you may be helping two sisters to see the real truth.Keep us posted,nice effort on your part.
run dont walk
that is great, You know you will have all the help you need here. Since I haven't seen (or read) the Watchtower in years, what exactly was said regarding the new light in the June-01-03 Watchtower ???? I'm sure all of us would love to read it (and have a good chuckle. ) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good Luck, run don't walk
Baby steps johnny...
He is on the phone with one of them now.