Well it was a Thursday night and I see these two sisters walking up the street, my after thought was what the hell are they out on bookstudy night? So then the doorbell rings, BINGO my wish has come true after a year of reading I get to ask some door knockers some deep hearted questions!
As they went into there spiel I had a major flashback, they were saying the exact same thing I recall my father saying 30 years ago "we are living in such a terrible world" and I said to them WHAT, this is a great place to live, we are in a great country living a great life! Oh they couldn't wait to disagree! So then I went into a 10 minuite barrage of questions and scriptures and bambuzled them and there faces dropped and they could not answer my questions!
So this led to there question "so how do you know so much"? Are you disfellowshipped? So at his point the lead servive sister wanted to leave and I got the other one hooked on answering questions. But I was relieved to know that sister #2 says there may still be hpe for me to come back YEAHHHHH!!!
I hope I get a shepparding call soon!