I'm 45 years old going to college for a degree in Marketing so I can find a decent job. I made two A's last semester. I'm only taking 2 classes at a time because of my nerves.
Every day is a battle with my nerves. Medication keeps it under control, barely.
I can divide my life into 3 parts: 1) student 2) JW pioneer/minister and 3) banker. I have been let go from Bethel, my job at Barnett Bank and my job at BenchMark Consulting. Abandonment is an issue.
My close family are all witnesses. While I have a pseudo relationship with my brother and my parents (not based on reality since they have no interest in my career, my relationship with Mitch or anything that makes me me, I have no relationship with the rest of my close family.
On my bad days I think about returning to the Kingdom Hall. Maybe I am one of those who needs the sense of security found there. There are more bad days than good right now.
I feel like I am lost and it frightens me.
Reality is difficult to deal with. I certainly understand why people stick close to their "faiths" whatever they may be. I need some faith and hope.