From H20- "The Ultimate Rude Display"

by Dubby 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • Seven

    To Her Royal Wiseness waiting, What you said about
    both groups ignoring the one in pain in order to promote their own self interests is right
    on the money! Excellent insight on your part. This
    deserves a thread all it's own. You got right to the heart of the matter without all the psycho-babble. You rule!

  • somebody

    :both groups ignoring the one in pain in order to promote their own self interests is right.

    What do you think was the reason that the person who posted the experience on H20 was?

    There were "people" who attended the funeral. Was there 1 group who ignored the one in pain, or did everybody ignore the person in pain? The WBTS was never mentioned at all in the post.

    My opinion is that the person who posted it on H20 was in pain too. Not at the WBTS, but at what some people "dispayed" at her friend's loved one's funeral.

    Till next time,

    ~~~~~~~~~Many people think that history is a dull subject. Dull? Is it "dull" that Jesse James once got bitten on the forehead by an ant, and at first it didn't seem like anything, but then the bite got worse and worse, so he went to a doctor in town, and the secretary told him to wait, so he sat down and waited, and waited, and waited, and waited, and then finally he got to see the doctor, and the doctor put some salve on it? You call that dull? ~~~~

    ~~~~~~If you ever fall off the Sears Tower, just go real limp, because maybe you'll look like a dummy and people will try to catch you because, hey, free dummy.~~~~

  • Dubby

    Waiting, I agree with what you say. For the JW, It is their JOB to be be self-rightious in most situations. For the xJW or apostate, imho, these situations just go to show how painfully wrong the WTBTS is with the mindset they've inculcated into their masses. When one sees JW's act in these fashions, it's obvious why they're doing what they're doing. The WTS does the thinking for them. Quite often, when confronted with a situation, the JW relies upon JW training to deal with it. To x's or apostate's, it can be maddening to see these displays, because they usually don't come from the heart, it come from the warped teaching they received.

    Also, I want to take this oppertunity to express my sorrow for what happen in your father-in-law's situation. I hope your mother-in-law is doing well, as well as your daughter.

  • Dubby


    Some, if not most in the WTBTS THINKS that they represent Christianity, sprituality, and religion. I no longer believe that they do. I can't speak for other people who are x's.

  • waiting

    Hey y'all,

    There were "people" who attended the funeral. Was there 1 group who ignored the one in pain, or did everybody ignore the person in pain? The WBTS was never mentioned at all in the post.

    I apologized to the poster for the behaviour of JWs because I got the impression she was truly angry and humiliated and hurt by their actions towards her friend. Her friend did not deserve this type of treatment - even a dog comforts another grieving dog. Instinctive to try to comfort when seeing pain, they will lick and paw and nudge each other to try to help the other in pain. Quite sad and touching to see.t

    One day I was crying hard, my cat jumped into my lap trying to get my attention. She licked me and, when I continued to ignore her as I cried, she lightly bit me on the nose. Made me stop, and then she started licking me again - I truly believe that was her way of trying to comfort me, but I guess she needed to get my attention first.

    Jehovah made the "lesser animals" with their instincts. With this thought in mind - would He congratulate and reward us for not only ignoring, but adding to, someone's obvious anguish? This is not consistant with love or the Bible - or animal instinct. Whatever happened to Jesus's parable of the Good Samaritan?

    The WTBTS has taught us sometimes to ignore human decency, but as people - we did not have to follow. There has been numerous studies done after WW II on humans as to why they react as they do. We are a shockingly low species, in researchers opinion, and we can be conditioned to do, or ignore, pretty much of anything - no matter how degraded.


  • Pathofthorns

    People do the cruelest things when they believe they are doing it out of loyalty and love of God. A friend once told me that we could see our actions with better perspective if we could break out of the bubble that we surrounded ourselves with.

    What ever happened to looking after orphans and widows? It is part of our worship, is it not? James 1:27


  • waiting

    Hey Path,

    Yeah, we are a cruel species. Remember that old saying of walking in the other person's shoes? I have never been DF'd, but my first husband was. It is extremly hard on the family - I lost close friends and just acquaintences as a result. I was so angry with my husband - for years. It was not my fault - but I suffered the consequences also.

    When my daughter was DF'd, there was no anger - only pain.

    Not all JWs respond as I did, however. One elder's wife was so proud of herself (and I am quoting - I remember it so well) "My son was disfellowshipped 5 years ago and I have never spoken a word to him. I hope he'll finally repent and return to Jehovah." For a parent to say that about a child is beyond my comprehension.


  • Frenchy

    Training/indoctrination can and does override natural feelings and inclinations, instincts if you will, and creates a new set based on the values now established in the mind. Responses to these new values ensues. Our minds reward us with gratification for having done 'the right thing'. 'The right thing' is of course an evaluation/belief that exists in our minds. We can be made to feel good about virtually anything. All that is required is that we become convinced that this is the right thing! JW's are not without compassion. They are merely misinformed on some things.

    -Seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it-

  • SolidSender

    waiting, hope all is well.

    you said:

    We are a shockingly low species, in researchers opinion, and we can be conditioned to do, or ignore, pretty much of anything - no matter how degraded.

    please see the WTBTS if you wish to be taught by the best.

    You also said:

    Jehovah made the "lesser animals" with their instincts. With this thought in mind - would He congratulate and reward us for not only ignoring, but adding to, someone's obvious anguish? This is not consistant with love or the Bible - or [b]animal instinct[b]. Whatever happened to Jesus's parable of the Good Samaritan?

    Animal instinct is what the WTBTS program amputates from its adherents. As for the Good Samaritan - ignore him, he's a negative fact.

    Good point about the attitude of those at the funeral eg. you posted and my apologies for not offering any sympathies.

    I don't remember how old you are nor how long you were/are a baptised JW. Did you hold a position within your congregation? Are you disassociated or disfellowshipped or just a slip-away? You do have a creditable command of pseudo psychological terms, and proper English. Do you have a college degree? In what persuasion, and what level?

    In answer to your questions, I was a witness for 15 years, a convert from Catholicism. I did not attain any rank within the "organisation". This was due for the most part to the fact it seemed totally devoid of any kind of leadership worth aspiring to. I'm a slip-away. I went cold turkey, though that's just the kind of person I am, I prefer clean breaks. I did not furnish the elders with an opportunity to DF me by my conduct. This was for two reasons: 1)Providing a bunch of megalomaniacs ( the elders ) with an opportunity to wallow in their sadistic tendencies ( judicial hearings) at my expense is not my idea of having fun. 2) I did not wish to provide to an increase in hours ( under the pretext of shepherding calls ) on that same group of megalomaniacs monthly field service report slips.

    As for your comments on psychology and english, i have no qualifications or knowledge for that matter on either apart from my own experience. In writing I'm attempting to articulate/improvise the thoughts i now have as a results of my experiences as best I can as i go along.

    I'm not really here to make friends or be liked, or tell people what they want to hear - reasons to remain as a WTBTS captive ( though if i do make some friends along the way - great). I'm here to try and provide a counterbalance to that position if i can.

    If you go down to the tech questions box you'll find a question i posted simon regarding this sites hits to posts ratio. I really don't know how to interpret the stats definitively but on the surface it appears to be some ridiculous amount. possibly thousands of visits for each post. Once again i could be wrong here ( maybe simon can clarify ). i'll leave you to ponder on the implications of this. i don't know who those thousands of visitors to this site who arn't posting are but i've got a pretty good guess.

    Due to this and despite the fact that it may very well be an exercise in futility, most of the time i want to make what i say/post count.

    Waiting I do not believe that the issue at stake here is one of sciptural correctness. The documented WTBTS scriptural deceipt/manipulation/error is in my humble opinion now far beyond any dispute. I need make no further contribution to it. The issue at stake here is far simpler - are you going to allow a group of 12 white american males ( no offence meant to any americans - i like americans ) to control your mind and life? Hope this answers some questions about myself for you.-SolidSender

  • Frenchy

    Solid: They are not all white anymore.

    -Seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it-

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