This site is GREAT
Check out JWs - they're listed 94th with an overall score of minus one. LOL
by Sirona 15 Replies latest jw friends
This site is GREAT
Check out JWs - they're listed 94th with an overall score of minus one. LOL
"For maintaining progress without resorting to violence, coercion or trickery -10.00".....LMAO! :D ~Aztec
-1 y 8 m 7 d
Wow, you're young!
Yeah, this is a neat site. Scientology scored -21. lol
Hmmm....94th....overall score of -1.
94 less 1 is 93.
1914 plus 93 = 2007.
And there you have it, the real date of Armageddon! There must be a prophecy in Revelation about this. Somewhere in with the one about Rutherford blowing fart-bubbles in the bath being the fourth trumpet blast, or whatever.
Atheism scored -10.
Agnosticism scored 100.
I guess agnostics are preceived as being more open minded...?
Seventh-Day Adventists were the second highest rated religion at 90. Weird.
And there you have it, the real date of Armageddon!
Sweet! I'm going to start charging up my credit cards since I won't have to pay them off! Woo hoo!
See? Agnosticism rules! :D ~Aztec
See? Agnosticism rules!
Isn't an agnostic just a person who's too afraid to make the jump to atheism?
They WERE at that posotion, now they are in last place with -52...
How'd those scores change so quickly? For the better, of course...