For the past week or so my mind has been going a mile a minute. I’ll be at work, in bed, wherever, things come into my head, and I have to write it down that very moment. I wonder if it will lead to anything, what does it mean? Are they light-bulb moments or manic episodes. Over the years I have accumulated some information (in my mind) by reading, watching programmes (on PBS and the like), talking to friends, rolling things in my own mind, etc. Is it just all starting to come together for me? or just nonsense? I have asked God for understanding. Last night as I turned on my light to write something down for the second time, I kind of chuckled, I didn’t ask for this much, it’s too much information! (I’m joking-I think?) But I wasn’t stressed at all. It just seems to come. Does this happen to anyone else, or am I just wired wrong? Anyway one of the things that I’ve been mulling in my mind, was the first humans. First of all I had read a book written by a rabbi a couple years ago, that he thought that humanity started with Adam & Eve. It was a slightly different take on it. I have always thought, God created animals and then He created Man. Could man really have been first a chimp and then over time some became man, just as evolutionists had said? A couple of days ago I thought, maybe...and this is the thing that I thought I would never say; maybe it's possible that we did come from chimps. At this time it’s not something that I believe, but just thinking about. Maybe the moment that Adam & Eve (call them what you will) made the decision to eat from the apple tree (symbolism) that’s when they became human. Today coming home from work I was listening to the news. A scientist stated that the dna of a chimp and a human is 99.4% (or was 94.9%) the same. That blows my mind! I don’t think this has to take away the validity of the bible at all. That to some extent they can go hand in hand. (but only so far-I will never believe that the universe just happened) Maybe in time I will discard this idea, and say that it was an insane moment in my life. I do believe in God, that He created everything, that the Bible is inspired (but I don’t think that he dictated word for word) Each person that wrote parts of the bible was inspired but still kept their own unique character and personality. Just like when a composer or artist creates something, they may be inspired, but something or someone outside of themselves isn’t telling them what to write or paint. Just some crazy thoughts? Please, please be kind.