Wow, what a surprise that was!
I expected a warm welcome, as this was someone I have known for a very long time.
Nope, Uber disfellowshipped JW. Totally caught me off guard. Reminded me she is disfellowshipped and expected me to leave her, shunned. I told her I didn't care about that and had come to see her. This person has been out for at least a year, maybe longer and still hasn't corrected her "sinful course". I was told how she was looking forward to visiting with "the friends" again. She took full responsibility for the DFing.
It was really eye opening. I told her I quit attending the meetings nearly two years ago. This made her sad. She was NOT interested in hearing any TTATT commentary. I zipped in a quick one about the UN NGO membership. She had never heard anything about it and would not open her mind to the possibility that this could in fact be true. Said she would have read about it ( referring to the WT, I expect ) and made comments that indicates she has no trust for the media.
She is trying to get her life together and return to "the organization", as she put it. Attends all the meetings. Endures the shunning as necessary. Proper.
I've never seen this first hand. A glimpse into the life of a DF'd person that accepts and cooperates with the Watchtower, intent on returning and getting "spiritually strong" again. The whole while, praising Jehovah.
How could you be out and not research the JW's on the internet? It's not like they'll DF you again.