I loved Clay but I say YEA RUBEN
by SheilaM 27 Replies latest jw friends
Lady Lee
I'm glad for Reuben. He won and he is good
Yeah for Clay though - He has a record deal and is free to do what he wants
I'm glad for Ruben but Claaay!!!
Happy ither way.
They have beautiful voices and are both winners in the end.
Orbit I like your new avatar. .. as far as Reuben winning, he was my favorite all along. Go Reuben!!
I liked both of them so I'm happy. I still think Clay is a cutie though. :) ~Aztec
Thanks, Stinky! I like your avatar, too. Real Stinky is much more pleasing to the eye than cartoon Stinky!
Rueben deserved to win. I think he is more marketable overall than Clay. Clay would fit in well performing on Broadway, for he's very one dimensional. Basically I would pay my hard earned money to go see Rueben peform, I can't say I would for Clay. The good thing is that they both will go very far.
I'm surprised! Glad he won though
what is amazing is that out of 24 million votes there was a difference of 1305! I think the politicians should take a lesson! It came down to two men of different talents and abilities, and even different skin colors and the vote was THAT close and NO ONE DEMANDED A RECOUNT!