"I have to agree with the "guideline thing" . I really don't think anyone would get DF'd for going to an R rated movie, or for wearing a beard."
Hi Integ,
Sorry, but I have to disagree on the "guideline thing" :o) The word "guideline" is a sharp dagger hidden under a flannel wrapper, the same as any other "suggestion" by the WTS. Wording syuch as "A thinking Christian shouldn't....", or, "a MATURE Christian wouldn't..." SOUND as if they're easy-pedalled, but in WTS-talk mean "you had BETTER LISTEN UP, or suffer the consequences!"
A person would probably not be DFed for going to an "R" rated movie, but you know darn well that his "spirituality" would be a "concern" for the Elders, and if anyone ELSE sees him coming out of the theater, he'd be immediately labeled as "weak".
There IS no middle ground here....it's the WTS way or it's adverse judgement from all onlookers. Unfair---but true.