I feel 40 but I act like I'm 12. :)
How old do you feel?
by JH 22 Replies latest jw friends
Been there
Everybody says I look younger then I am. I boogle their minds when I say I have 6 grandkids. I do feel old however. I am married to a stick in the mud so we rarely have any kind of fun. We don't play and I think that ages you both physically and mentally. I do let loose with my granddaughter though, noone thinks your weird if you have a kid with you.
I guess I feel like I am in my teens stll No one ever thinks I am my age I tell them it's my immaturity showing LOL
Growing up, I was chunky so I always looked older than I was. When I turned 17 I started working out everyday and eating healthy.. I lost close to 40 lbs, and now everyone thinks I'm around 15. I have a theory about people who look younger than they are though... I think that when someone looks younger than they are... it's not that they look good for their age, but that they look how the rest of their age-group is suppose to look, it's just that most people eat too much crap and never work out and that's why they look to unhealthy (or aged).
On the inside I feel like I'm in my 30's . But my physical self feels their's certain limits on movement.
I don't dress like people my age. At least not the norm. Whaterver that is? And by who's standards??
I feel I'm doing pretty good for my age. People don't believe me when I tell them my age which just tickles me to no end.
48 and goin' strong...
I'm 44 but I date women in their 20's.
Just kidding.
I feel every bit my age. My job has taken a toll on my lower joints over the years. My hips and knees ache, etc.
I still play some sports form time to time - and come home aching. I'm tired of the pain, so yeah, I feel my age.
Depends.... I mostly feel about 10 years older than what I am.
Kansas District Overbeer
I feel lots of ages....
When angry, 2
When not, 78.
It's not the age it's the mileage that counts..and boy have I rolled my odometer a couple of times!