Do You Trust The News Media?

by minimus 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Oh, come ON!

    We were Jehovah's Witnesses! We know this song by heart!!!

    WHO elected the News Media? NO ONE.

    In whose interest does the NEWS Media act? THEIR OWN.

    next question, please.

  • punkofnice

    Not one bit. No trust of the media whatsoever. They probably have some pro-party an agenda. We live in a 1984 world. We have just had our attention diverted from real issues; one of which is that we are just wasting our time until we die. Then it's all over and we will have meant nothing to anyone in future generations who will also die.

  • JWdaughter

    Generally, I recognize that humans with human interests, biases and preconceived ideas and agendas are the ones who report the news. There is no "truth", it's a narrative, part of a story they want to tell.

    I lived in Egypt post revolution. I saw news reported locally and on the networks about places I visited, walked through and some very up close and personal observations. I lived In the middle East at the height of the Arab spring. The most important thing I learned is that even facts have nuance. These nuances can be the focus, they can ignored or they can play a role that gives a more accurate picture, but here is the thing: News stories are just that, stories. So take them with a grain of salt. Storytellers are human beings.

  • Spoletta
    But why not discuss specifics Min? Why just say do you trust the news media? How about an actual issue that we can present facts and figures for? Or are you afraid to delve? Might prove ya wrong?
    Berengaria... trump had whores in Russia and defiled obamas bed while enjoying golden showers. There are many more but I will not get into more with you because you are not ever able to see more than one viewpoint.

    The MSM reported that there was a dossier circulating that contained those allegations, and that the information was unverified. Which of those statements is grounds for distrusting the media?

  • minimus

    Did MSN report about obama"s gay lifestyle back in the day ? No they didn't which is fine with me because it's not verifiable. Yet the fake news relishes reporting Trump's so called dalliances. Double standard for all of you who dismiss anything Obama or Clinton did but quickly pounce on Trump.

  • bohm


    Did MSN report about obama"s gay lifestyle back in the day ? No they didn't which is fine with me because it's not verifiable.

    The media reported on an intelligence report that Obama and Trump were briefed upon; by definition that is news.

    The rumors you are talking about did not make it to the mainstream media because ... they were unsubstantiated rumors. If they somehow had made it into the briefings of Obama then they too would have been news because what the president is briefed on is news. It's really rather simple.

    BTW, if you think the opposition to Trump has anything to do with who peed on him you are not following the news...

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    OUTLAW, I'll bet you find this either:

    A. Impossible to accept


    B. Impossible to accept

    Here ya go --

    It talks about how the Ruskies used a microwave-activated microphone to bug U.S. Ambassador Averell Harriman. It hung in the ambassador's Moscow residential office until 1952 when the State Department discovered that it was 'bugged.'

    Kellyanne may not be a glib technology expert, but I think she knows a lot more than you think she does.

    "Everybody laughed when I said 'microwaves.' They aren't laughing now."

    I'm going to guess that electronics is not your area of expertise, OUTLAW.

  • fiddler

    I have splurged in my budget to have Siriusxm radio because I spend a lot of time behind the windshield. There are progressive stations and right wing radio and Potus, which carries Steele & Unger and Julie Mason. Progressive radio has Thom Hartman ( a former Oregonian so I admit to some bias there 😉). Between these and NPR and BBC I feel like I'm getting a pretty good mix of news. The sorting out at the end of the day can be a bit frustrating at times. I tend to trust Washington Post for actual journalistic integrity and also Reuters. Aside from that there is much crappola out there!

  • S K Ditta
    S K Ditta

    May I recommend, The Listening Post with Richard Gizbert, Al Jazeera. It's a 30-minute, weekly show, for those with time constraints? Richard's manner is a lesson in unbiased analysis.

    There is something fundamentally wrong with 24-hour/day news! It's unhealthy, to say the least.

  • Phizzy

    The Thread title asks if we trust the Media, trust them to do what ? Deliver unbiased, informed and informative News ?

    Nah, most of 'em don't even come close, and those that do, like the prog.mentioned above, are more than likely a long way from presenting "truth".

    Of course ALL of the Media are guilty of having bias, and therefore an agenda on how and what they present, it was always thus.

    What I find most annoying is the superficial research done in to any subject, and/or the lack of knowledge and expertise of those presenting the News to us.

    I can tell on a hell of a lot of Reports that I know more than the person who scripted the Report. I am no expert, just an ordinary punter.

    When I compare what is dished up to us these days with the quality stuff done more than half a Century ago, I despair. Yes, there was bias and dissembling and downright mendacity in those times, but the top notch stuff was pretty good, and nothing like it is around today.

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