Top 10 Signs Your Religion Is Dying.

by SYN 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • asleif_dufansdottir


    But we are over 6 million, and we expect to be more tahn 12 million within the next 3 some years.

    Well, excuse me for not taking more seriously, posts which are made by someone who has the same name as the lead singer of Guns 'n Roses, but if you think JWs can double in the "next 3 some years" you should suggest your entire congregation start having kids as quickly as possible. That's about the only thing that could get that kind of increase for JWs.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas
    ...we are over 6 million, and we expect to be more tahn 12 million within the next 3 some years.

    Wanna bet $1,000?


  • SYN

    AXEL, you are one funny guy LOL!

  • Gordy

    How long has it taken them to get to 6 million?

    Over a hundred years!!

    I became a JW in 1972 the number then was getting on for 2 million. So it took then 30 years to add another 4 million. An average of 133,333 per year. So they are expecting an incresae of 2 million a year for the next three years. !!!!

    Surely it MUST be a joke.

  • SYN

    AXEL, if you were actually being serious (LOL), it's a well-known fact that there is a huge decline happening right now. Have you noticed that most of the people getting baptized these days at Conventions are children of people who're Dubs already? And that at more and more Conventions, they're not baptizing anyone at all? These facts are obvious to even the most brain-washed of Witnesses...

  • Mystery
    Have you noticed that most of the people getting baptized these days at Conventions are children of people who're Dubs already? And that at more and more Conventions, they're not baptizing anyone at all?
    This angers me to no end. My niece's and nephew were "pushed" into baptism. They were continuously being ask “when are you getting baptized?” Isn’t it about time you began to think about baptism?” “You know when Armageddon comes you need to be baptized.”

    I remember after I was baptized a sister in the congregation said “this is the first day of your life” you were “born” TODAY.

    My oldest niece has always emailed me and talked to me and occasionally called me. I haven’t heard from her in the past couple of months. My other 2 nieces’ occasionally email me and all of that has stopped in the past couple of months. They are all now baptized, kids – not even able to drive yet – being forced into a cult that they will never be able to get out of.

    The only way JW’s will increase is to make kids feel GUILTY about not being baptized. Get them while they are young – before they can even think about thinking for themselves. DON’T THINK just get baptized. Then we got you and we can count you and “you can never leave”.

    It makes me sick!!!!!!
  • SYN

    Thing is, no matter how baptized they are, the kids will still be the largest of the group leaving.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Baptism is the first step to becoming an XJW.

  • SYN

    Good one Nathan! LMAO!



    I laughed soooo hard my sides hurt!!!...owwwwieee!!

    Thanks Syn.....and Metatron!!!


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