On April 2nd I purchased the domain name www.do-not-call.org
A few weeks later I posted a comment on the thread http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=3941&site=3
It was titled 'can you stop the preaching work?'
I alluded there to a work in progress. This work is in its VERY early stages of development but for the next few days you can view it at http://www.do-not-call.org (for security reasons I will be taking it offline after the weekend).
I hope that this is a project that we can all be a part of. I will be asking for help in various sections of the site and look forward to receiving your input.
I have created a workgroup site specifically for the purpose of collaboration and away from the prying eyes of the WT. While we can certainly discuss topics freely here at Simons' site, the need for privacy and file-sharing dictate that we meet and work together elsewhere. If you want to be a part of it please go to http://communities.msn.co.uk/donotcall
I firmly believe that the best stand we can make is one that is noticed in the real world.
Internet counter-information certainly has its place and has proved very effective however, to capture the attention of a worldwide audience, to convince ordinary families and individuals of our position, we will need to 'roll up our sleeves' and get to work.
This will involve perhaps a few hours each week doing leaflet drops or writing short articles for newspaper publication.
The more time we all invest the greater our success will be.
We are not a pseudo-Watchtower society! "the workman is worthy of his wages" 1 Tim 5:18 It is my definite intention that all who share in this work receive a fair share of the income generated. I have already begun putting these arrangements in place. To be ready to receive payments directly please register at www.PayPal.com
Any site that offers its services for free will quickly run out of steam and be unable to compete against the might of the Watchtower for very long. I make no apologies for charging a modest fee at the site [£9.50].
I'm sure you will all have many questions but bear in mind that any sensitive information will only be released at the workgroup.
This project won't be completed quickly but if we all pull together it can become a very powerful tool.
Let's aim to have the site completed and working by September 1st 2001 thus providing us with a measurable gauge for the 2002 service report.
Sixteen weeks to plan a revolution, how about it?
. http://jw.escape.to . http://communities.msn.co.uk/donotcall