
by nicolaou 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • nicolaou

    On April 2nd I purchased the domain name www.do-not-call.org

    A few weeks later I posted a comment on the thread http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=3941&site=3
    It was titled 'can you stop the preaching work?'

    I alluded there to a work in progress. This work is in its VERY early stages of development but for the next few days you can view it at http://www.do-not-call.org (for security reasons I will be taking it offline after the weekend).

    I hope that this is a project that we can all be a part of. I will be asking for help in various sections of the site and look forward to receiving your input.

    I have created a workgroup site specifically for the purpose of collaboration and away from the prying eyes of the WT. While we can certainly discuss topics freely here at Simons' site, the need for privacy and file-sharing dictate that we meet and work together elsewhere. If you want to be a part of it please go to http://communities.msn.co.uk/donotcall

    I firmly believe that the best stand we can make is one that is noticed in the real world.

    Internet counter-information certainly has its place and has proved very effective however, to capture the attention of a worldwide audience, to convince ordinary families and individuals of our position, we will need to 'roll up our sleeves' and get to work.
    This will involve perhaps a few hours each week doing leaflet drops or writing short articles for newspaper publication.
    The more time we all invest the greater our success will be.

    We are not a pseudo-Watchtower society! "the workman is worthy of his wages" 1 Tim 5:18 It is my definite intention that all who share in this work receive a fair share of the income generated. I have already begun putting these arrangements in place. To be ready to receive payments directly please register at www.PayPal.com

    Any site that offers its services for free will quickly run out of steam and be unable to compete against the might of the Watchtower for very long. I make no apologies for charging a modest fee at the site [£9.50].

    I'm sure you will all have many questions but bear in mind that any sensitive information will only be released at the workgroup.

    This project won't be completed quickly but if we all pull together it can become a very powerful tool.

    Let's aim to have the site completed and working by September 1st 2001 thus providing us with a measurable gauge for the 2002 service report.

    Sixteen weeks to plan a revolution, how about it?


    . http://jw.escape.to . http://communities.msn.co.uk/donotcall

  • LDH


    That ROCKS!


  • Francois2

    Saw your site. This is too good. Will it work in the States?

    One suggestion. Make your url simpler...no hyphens. Make it easy to type, with one hand if possible. But do think about getting rid of the hyphens. Anything that slows a person down on the internet is not a good idea.


  • outnfree

    VERY Cool!

    Count me in!


  • expatbrit

    Great stuff! A few questions/observations:

    Will the DNC process also cover phone witnessing and/or letter writing as well? If people merely divert annoying JW's from their doorstep to their phone, they wont really see a benefit.

    UKP 9.50! Might be a bit steep.

    How would others help in running or administering the DNC?

    How is the WT to be persuaded into complying with the DNC? And what measures are to be taken when the DNC directive is broken?

    Where were you on the night of....oh, sorry, getting carried away.


  • RedhorseWoman

    Great site, Nic! Good work!

  • stephenw20


    I like it much.........tell me how I can help.......

  • nicolaou

    Thanks for your feedback.
    A few specifics.

    1. Yes Francoise, the system will work in the US (worldwide in fact!) Modern payment methods have effectively removed national borders – a more pertinent issue in respect of operating this site globally is that of law.
    This too is not the problem it appears to be. Privacy and trespass laws are underpinned by fundamental legal principles that are common to almost all nations (more on this at the workgroup).

    2. The URL. I actually like the look of do-not-call.org It appears less jumbled when presented on-screen or in print. The ‘org’ domain also seems appropriate. I certainly take your views on board though and to that end I have purchased donotcall.net I will set it up to point at the current site but in the meantime perhaps we could hear the views of the rest of you as to which URL we should stick with?

    3. Expatbrit, the DNC process will cover telephone and postal witnessing – more on this at the workgroup.
    As to cost, I do not feel that £9.5 or $14 is excessive. About a third of this will be eaten in printing, notice production and overseas postal costs. Of the remainder, 50% will be paid to individuals like yourself who are ‘dropping leaflets’ and mailing responses. Most of what is left will be spent on advertising campaigns in the printed media (not internet).

    4. WT response. After having received notice from DNC at congregation, branch and headquarters level, the Society will be aware that calling on DNC members constitutes trespass – a criminal act*.
    I honestly believe that they will comply with the notices served upon them. However, we are all aware of the ‘rabidly zealous’ JW who will knock on any door regardless – how should this be handled?

    I think it is only fair that the householder should be refunded their money on request, perhaps with the condition that they have asked for and supply the name of the publisher who called on them.
    DNC could then write a formal letter of complaint to the congregation involved with the threat of legal action should such an infraction occur again.
    With the householders consent, the incident could even be presented as a short news article in the local paper. There are many options.

    *From the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994

    Implied Consent
    The postman and others (JW’s) who deliver items to your door have an implied consent to walk up your front path, but ..…a sign at the gate (or notice served) shows that those delivering them do not have implied permission to enter, and are trespassing if they do so. Householders whose [withdrawal of consent] has been ignored have brought successful court cases banning publishers from delivering them.”

    ”A person may become a trespasser if consent to be on the property has been revoked”

    ”You can sue a trespasser even if no damage has been caused….Such a case may be brought as a convenient way of settling a dispute.”

    Just one final comment - would anyone applying to join the workgroup please copy & paste the following quote into their application. I know it appears paranoid but I’m just trying to be careful.

    My name is (your name). I am applying for membership in response to your posted invitation at www.jehovahs-witness.com I support the aims of DNC as posted at http://www.do-not-call.org/policy.htm (Any other comments you wish to make)

    Hopefully this may deter WT officials from applying[8>]

    Looking forward to your continued feedback and support.


    . http://jw.escape.to

    workgroup applications to:
    . http://communities.msn.co.uk/donotcall

  • outnfree

    I'm putting this info here, because the h/h record was brought up on older, related threads:

    The House-to-House Record form has no copyright on it nor anything that indicates (to the uninitated, at least) that it is a Watchtower Society document. At the bottom of the form it says "S-8" (typical form classification for the Borg)"10/53" and "Printed in U.S.A."

    The symbols used are
    CA -- Call Again B -- Busy M -- Man
    NH -- Not Home C -- Child W -- Woman

    The data at the top includes fill-in blanks for the Street, Territory No. and the Publisher's Name.

    The date recorded on the balance of the form includes:
    "House or
    Apt. No." "Date" "Symbol" "Name, Placement, and Remarks"

    Looks as though the form hasn't changed since October of 1953. It's still the one all of us remember.


    PS I agree that there's no need to change the original url to eliminate the hyphens. They don't even require a shift. I vote for www.do-not-call.org

  • mommy

    I am much impressed! I think that it is wonderful you have taken the time to get all this together. First I want to say I like the original Url, I like the org on the end, of course only those who have first hand experience with the JW will recognize it. But the hyphen really brings attention o the name, I like that
    I am going to take some time later and read more up on your policy and such. But wanted to pop in here and say Great job! And I am in if you will take me.

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