Farkel, I enjoy your writing so much, that I have to resist the temptation to agree with everything you say. So I have cut around all your wit, to prevent you seducing too many others.
Do you recall the statement in the 1954 Watchtower where the society "regretted" that they could not have parents stone their own rebellious children?
Yes, I recall something of that. I also recall my father, using this line, threatening to kill my brother if he continued to resist The Truth. But as badly as he treated us, I do not think he could have gone so far. There's a point where ideology has to face itself, the point of execution (pun).
If you project the current WT leadership into some approximation of their New World fantasy - a Watchtower world - it is clear enough that it could never work. They would quickly become marginalized and then irrelevant, and other powers would spring up from among the survivors to fill the vacuum.
Who's to say that the society will also lose patience with waiting for God someday.
Well, me actually, LOL. They have been waiting, not just for God, but for The World too. While they say, "God has his own time" to rain blue murder, that "time" is also defined: politically, religiously, chronologically, environmentally, economically, or even Franzically, and so on; they mix and mush to keep the pot stirred up. They obviously wait for much more than just God. So I think this shows how much they are professional waiters and cooks, and are therefore reactive to the world's 'menu'. This is a deep down characteristic of WT 'leadership', which I think, allows for the sort of irresponsibility you describe…
They've already demonstrated they have no moral problem with letting thousands of their own die due to blood, vaccinations, organ transplants and their stands on military service
As a cult, at odds with the present world of humanity, they have made a virtue of being blind to that humanity. How else can they hope to watch approvingly the destruction of 99.9 per cent of it? This virtue-of-blindness allows the present corporation, as well as its individuals, to avoid facing the moral consequences of their policies. They cope with their own inhumanity by: leaving it to Jehovah, or leaving it to the Welfare system, or leaving it to free-will, or even leaving it to Satan. Whichever way it goes, it comes down to 'leaving'. I think it explains what you describe here…
They've already demonstrated they don't care that hundreds of thousands have spent their entire lives in their service, only to then be discarded and ignored as worn-out human refuse or even worse, driven out (like Franz, Dunlap and countless thousands of others) and put on the streets with no money, friends or family to comfort of support them.
They leave these people behind. But in a New World there is no leaving. When the dream is realized, and the world is destroyed, the cultic bunker-mentality and its virtue-of-blindness would have to cease, because there would be no more imaginary opposition or fantastic enemies. There would be billions of innocent carcasses rotting accusingly, that's all. With nobody left to blame, nobody left to characterize as 'the enemy', and no virtue-of-blindness, they would have to face the consequences of their leadership or, more likely, they would be replaced by those who could face the consequences.
Even the meekest, sweetest, Nazschien in blonde pigtails, would take offense at being compared to a Watchtowerite. They actively pursued their ideologies, and (more or less) faced their consequences one by one, rather than just dreaming and talking about them. Real politics and social responsibility are alien to the WTBTS. But the WT New World would shove these real concepts so far up its ass, it would give new meaning to the words "lets watch how we walk, and watch how we talk"