I'm not dead yet.
Posters That Seem To Have Vanished Off The Face Of The Earth...?
by SpannerintheWorks 37 Replies latest jw friends
As in ET, the little red heart-light is turned back on inside the little dancing red M&M !!
I'd very much like to hear from Ginny Tosken again. Although I hear that she's in a good situation.
Slayer layer was hilarious, remember how he doctored all of our pics? He had HL eating a dog, me as Austin Powers, brilliant stuff.
Gedanken was one of my all-time favourites too.
You Know who else I miss?
Me too, Eman! The WT apologists are rather flakey these days, aren't they!
FredHall (he was at least funny sometimes)
Slayer had a great sense of humor! I remember he came back for awhile last year, told us he was going through a divorce, and then disappeared again. His cousin/little brother? was here too. What was his name??? Stiffler's something or other?
Reagan was a sharp little cookie. I loved her sense of humor and her perspective.
Another couple:
jonjonsimmons - may he rest in peace!
Then VeniceIT is missing and ugg.
Ven is out of the country and has access to email but not to internet. I hear from her. She will post again, when she returns. Not to worry.
Where is Scootergirl??????????
Didn't Valis have a younger brother or something?
I have to agree with Rocketman, on this one. The only reason I would ask, is because I am concerned about someone.
OUTLAW has me a tad concerned, because he's just plum evaporated, and no one seems to know exactly what's going on, and I miss him.
Others I know have moved on, because they wanted something different, and I miss them too, and their short 1 liner posts............Remembering ((((((( Animal and LB and Scootergirl )))))
RAYZORBLADE hit the nail on the head. Excellant comparison really. If you skimmed by his post ( though I doubt many people do ) go back and read it.
I have to laugh at myself. This board has been such a place of healing, and I have found such a comradary here, even though I don't agree with everyone, all the time, who cares ? We have shed that mentality for the most part, and that's what makes this place and those who post here " A breath of fresh air "
Missing those who have moved on, enjoying those who have stayed, and looking forward to those who will join.
To you lurkers who cruise through here on a regular basis, I encourage you to step out of the shadows, and speak. Even if you are still an active JW, I encourage you to come forward and tell us about yourselves. That is the original reason Simon started this venture, and we look forward to hearing from you.
xjw_b12 who is having an onacruse introspective day
Didn't Valis have a younger brother or something?
Yes I do...he's out of pocket right now and I'll leave it at that..I wish I could explain to you all more, but it is embarassing to me and to him...He's young and stupid and still needs to learn from more of the harsher lessons in life... Sincerely, District Overbeer