Armageddon & 9/11

by Black Man 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Black Man
    Black Man

    What's up, people? Been a while since I've posted. Anyhow, just thinking about 9/11 the other day as I was watching a special on tv which has made me realize that for years we were part of an organization that has looked forward to the death of the vast majority of mankind in much the same manner as the 9/11 tragedy (check out some of the pictures and witness porn from older publications especially). Peeps running for their lives, blood and soot pouring down their bodies, the look of utter horror on their faces. I'm sure that there where lots of JW's who were happily anticipating that the World Trade Center incident marked the start of the end. Disturbing! It really made me realize the fact that though we were taught to be pacifists (encouraged not fight or even argue), but the publishing company god is anything but that. We've been taught to forgive and be merciful. The publishing company God won't have the capacity to do that at Armageddon.

    So here we are led to believe that out of the over 6 BILLION peeps on earth, only 6 MILLION (less than 1 percent) will survive a far-grander World Trade Center Disaster. Just recalling the looks of horror and helplessness of peeps caught up in the World Trade disaster is enough to convince me that (1) A loving God would not destroy the world, and/or do it in that manner (2) If God is going to destroy the world in that manner, I want no part in serving a bloodthirsty entity such as that.

    I'm underwhelmed by an all-powerful God who can only save less than 1 percent of the population during the big blood-bath................doesn't sound to powerful at all does it?

  • Black Man
    Black Man


  • Joker10

    " I'm sure that there where lots of JW's who were happily anticipating that the World Trade Center incident marked the start of the end." I know of many JW's that didnt think that. I can't think of one W who would. Although there must be some.

  • Black Man
    Black Man


  • Black Man
    Black Man

    There have been several instances when out in service that j-dubs are busy planning which house they would occupy once its tenants were destroyed by God at the "Big A." At Bethel, I remember many convos (particularly with bethel wives) where many expressed that they couldn't wait for Armageddon to come so that they could occupy buildings that are presently owned by "goats." DISTURBING..............

  • Hamas

    That is very disturbing, man.

    Some JW's are sick puppies.

    Did you know that JW's were banned from ground zero ?

  • chachasmum


    They were banned from ground zero???????

    Not according to them they were down there preaching the word. In fact i remember them putting out a special mag titled something like this.... The day the towers fell. Just another excuse to blow their trumpet.Visit Smiley Central!Visit Smiley Central!Visit Smiley Central!Visit Smiley Central!

  • Gadget
    as I was watching a special on tv which has made me realize that for years we were part of an organization that has looked forward to the death of the vast majority of mankind in much the same manner as the 9/11 tragedy

    I never thought of it like that before, I wonder how many witnesses have.

    Not according to them they were down there preaching the word.

    But according to another poster on this board, when they turned up at the bethel immediately after the attack there was security guards stopping people going in and they had to show their blood cards to gain refuge. A bit different to what they said in the magazines....

  • Hamas

    They were trying to preach the word, but the people down there got so pissed off at them that they decided to ban them from getting down there.

    Today, a very limited amount of people are allowed to go there.

    I remember those magazines, sickening.

  • Gopher

    Black Man,

    Thanks for resurrecting this thread. It didn't get the proper discussion the first time around.

    Peeps running for their lives, blood and soot pouring down their bodies, the look of utter horror on their faces. I'm sure that there where lots of JW's who were happily anticipating that the World Trade Center incident marked the start of the end. Disturbing!

    I am sure you're right, that many loyal JW's were hoping or thinking "this could be it!". Yet another disappointment for them. Too bad.

    They probably changed their thinking to this: "9/11 is a warning example, a foretaste of what Armageddon will be like." They probably think that the victims (being "worldly" as they were) deserved their fate. That attitude could be a major reason why they closed the window blinds at the Brooklyn headquarters that day and locked their doors to strangers. Only later would the JW's come out of the woodwork (once convinced that this wasn't the "Big A") to go and try to proselytize the victims and those who were trying to clean up the mess.

    If God is going to destroy the world in that manner, I want no part in serving a bloodthirsty entity such as that.

    That's a big "IF". The bloodthirsty entity that JW's imagine is a figment of imagination. Of course they use it to inspire fear, for fear and not love underlies their form of religion.

    No worries -- there will not be such a destruction. God is too busy with other projects that don't involve planet earth. People will continue to try to beat the hell out of each other, and that's where the world's suffering comes from.


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