My mother attended the funeral of an elderly JW recently. The person that passed away was in her 90's had been a JW since the 1930's and her late husband was one of the "annointed" although she didn't claim that for herself. Every few months I hear of old JWs passing away. These are the people of my parents generation,the old faithful JWs who lived through the 60s and the excitement of the soon-to-come-end circa 1975. These are the ones who had all the knowledge, knew JW doctrine and all its changes and were the ones that answered up in the "deep" Watchtower studies and the book studies.
The old guard is changing. No longer will there be any JWs who remember 8 day conventions, or even 5 day conventions with evening sessions. They are handing over to the wishy-washy generation who never bother to read any of the "food" and who always relied on the old-timers to be there. It doesn't bode well for this organization. The central core is dying off and I don't believe those of the great influx of the 70s and 80s are that willing to keep supporting the end-is-coming-soon notion and all that that entails.
In 11 years time my dad will be 84, I wonder what will be left of the 1914 doctrine and whether he will live to see the death of the parousia.