What do you think makes the organization so powerful in the lives of people???
The Power Of The Organization
by minimus 28 Replies latest jw friends
First of all.....I like the way you didn't ask a question in your thread title...........but ask it in your post instead. (Ya little sneak)
What makes the borg powerfull in the minds of it's followers?
They are convinced it ....is the only way to salvation.
((((Minimus))))) welcome back
I think the organisation is so powerful because it claims to be the mouthpiece of God. Look at how much the Pope is worshiped. The Catholics believers think he is a link to God, and the GB is the same in the eyes of rank and file JWs.
For example, when I was searching for answers to my doubts about the JWs, when I read info that showed that the 144000 wasn't a literal number, that 1914 wasn't a prophetic year and how Jesus didn't appoint the GB in 1918, the scales began to fall from my eyes, and the power that the GB had over me (and the associated power of the elders etc) was there no longer. Any authority they had had over me evaporated, and that was the beginning of the end.
the org is powerful because people think it is.
Doesn't just the phrase "The Organization" sound cultish??
Part of it's power I believe is the subtle influence that it has just by the name alone. Everyone is in awe of it. So secret, so powerful. "The Governing Body", and similar sayings can create the illusion that there is power and strength, and that the person is so unworthy in comparison.
" The Organization" is indeed powerful, for it plays on the minds and hearts of the individual witness. They don't have a chance against it. "The Organization " has complete control over the individual's life, from what they wear, to what they do for work, to what friends they have, and at a moments notice, the big powerful organization can take it all away, and there is nothing the average witness can do about it.
Very simple. The people lie down and give the power to the organization, and the organization takes it.
That is the ONLY way it can be accomplished.
JW's were told that Jesus CHOSE that religion to represent him, so people will do anything not to displease God.
The power of the org. comes from scaring people. They start by saying you have eternal life in paradise thanks to Jesus, but you will lose it if you don't abide by the rules of the watchtower.
So they put the dessert first (eternal life), and make you pay throughout your ministry.
The fear of losing eternal life, is their power over you.
Lord Acton, in a letter to Bishop Mandell Creighton, 1887. 'Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men.'
No matter if the intentions were good to start with, the "organization" has evolved over the decades as another high control so-called religious institution that wields its power over its members through intimidation and threats. Russell was a nut case, but a well intentioned nut case, in my opinion. Those that followed him were hell bent on power, absolute power, and they fall into the category of "great men who are almost always bad men."
Mrs. Shakita
The thought that the "organization" is untouchable, directed by holy spirit, and somewhat mystical gives people an awe over the concept of "the organization". How does the Governing Body get selected? God's organization sees to it that His people are taken care of by these special men. How does the elder/MS appointment ACTUALLY work??? It's done thru the organization and holy spirit. Why are there right handed AND left handed people "in the truth"? Because God's organization sees to it..........WOW! What power!!!