The Matrix is the best movie ever made!!
Wrong! The Matrix sucks big time.
Here's one for you. he he he
Men are Gods!
by Yizuman 47 Replies latest jw friends
The Matrix is the best movie ever made!!
Wrong! The Matrix sucks big time.
Here's one for you. he he he
Men are Gods!
Men are Gods, and women are our submissive slaves who exist only to do our bidding.
Nice to hear a woman publicly acknowledge that.
So what's your point? (insert sarcasm here)
So what's your point?
You are WRONG! There is no point! In fact, didn't you learn that pointing is considered rude???
Statement: There is no spoon!
There is no spoon
Someone likes the first Matrix movie eh?
Spoon Boy of the Potentials in the apartment with The Oracle said exactly that phrase.
You are absolutely right, there is no spoon (proceeds to bend the spoon sideways) it is only in your mind.
Chess is a game of strategy.
Reborn, I get a kick out of these yiz threads. Everytime I see the last poster, it is you.
Chess is a game of strategy.
You are WRONG! Chess is for squeezing and cuddling and .......*sees angry ladies coming waving pin rollers at me and decides to run!!!!!!!*
Doggies are man's best friend.
Doggies are man's best friend.
You are so very wrong. It is a dog's nature to suck up. Everybody knows that dogs are just in it for themselves. . When they gather down at the doggy pub for a pint of doggy beer, they laugh at what a sucker you are.
Hummus is the food of the gods.
hum·mus also hum·us or hom·mos ( P ) Pronunciation Key (h
You are WRONG! See the last word? It's PITA! Get it? PITA! Not for the gods!!!
Bill Clinton looks great with his pants down!