IslandWoman said:
:: But a large fraction of them are not nearly so good as they would like to think. It's like the situation in Nazi Germany. A lot of decent Germans disliked some of what the Nazis were doing, but they went along anyway because they would have lost a lot by not going along.
: In my opinion, this is an invalid comparison. We are talking religion here not politics.
Actually we're talking about whether there are any good people left in the JW organization. Moreover, the Nazi's were essentially a religion.
: One cannot be compared with the other.
Of course they can. My point was that people in most any situation -- religious, political, whatever you care to name -- can be influenced or coerced to abandon their good principles in order to save themselves grief or to gain some advantage.
: Ray Franz, Dunlap and others stayed even though they saw error and wrongs in their religion.
Right. And plenty of Nazis stayed with their quasi-religious political cult even though they saw error and wrongs in it. And plenty of non-Nazi Germans failed to speak out when they saw that their government was doing horrendous things.
: Many of us did. Are you saying we are all culpable? We are all like the Germans in Nazi Germany?
Very much so. People are not very different around the world and in any number of situations. Plenty of people -- and I'm sure you're no exception -- saw plenty wrong with the JW religion, but we stayed. Why? Because leaving was harder than staying. Leaving entails the pain of lost relationships, possible shunning, figuring out a whole new lifestyle and perhaps finding a new religion. That's extremely hard work and terribly stressful. Many ex-JWs struggled for years with the tradeoffs, and only quit the religion when they found that it became harder to stay than to leave. Many thought about these things consciously. To the extent that we knew what we were doing when we made these tradeoffs, we're culpable. I made these tradeoffs several times before I finally quit, knowing that I was accepting something false because I didn't want to lose my family.