The emphasis of the organization's talks and "encouragement" is to continue believing everything that the "slave" has said because it comes from the "slave" and therefore comes through God. If you have a doubt, know that it comes from Satan. If you don't understand the Watchtower's interpetation of Bible prophecy, wait on Jehovah and just continue doing what we tell you to do. If you feel depressed and discouraged, simply DO MORE and you'll have less guilt. If you see that thousands of your brothers are leaving the organization for some reason, ignore that and go to all 5 meetings. If you do what the organization tells you to do, you WILL live on a paradise earth because we are living in the "last of the last days"! So don't stop now. Everlasting life on a paradise earth is right around the corner. Get busy in the preaching work. And before you know it, you'll either be in paradise or dead.
Believe In What We Tell You Because We Know What's Best For You
by minimus 17 Replies latest jw friends
You just cant beat good old Watchtower mind control.
Apart from maybe with a stick, or some sharp instrument.
Reminds me of the sign that appears at a worker's desk in almost every office in America:
Exactly,you nailed it right on the head.This is " THE MANUSCRIPT "parroted throughout the organization.
Yep. Uh-huh.
You have to DISTANCE yourself from the organization so as to see that it's ALL about MIND CONTROL.
good toon herk.
Gopher, that sign at work says it all. I recall a convention three years ago...after the drama (korah) I felt like i had been beaten with a stick.
The emphasis of the organization's talks and "encouragement" is to continue believing everything that the "slave" has said because it comes from the "slave" and therefore comes through God. If you have a doubt, know that it comes from Satan. If you don't understand the Watchtower's interpetation of Bible prophecy, wait on Jehovah and just continue doing what we tell you to do. If you feel depressed and discouraged, simply DO MORE and you'll have less guilt. If you see that thousands of your brothers are leaving the organization for some reason, ignore that and go to all 5 meetings. If you do what the organization tells you to do, you WILL live on a paradise earth because we are living in the "last of the last days"! So don't stop now. Everlasting life on a paradise earth is right around the corner. Get busy in the preaching work. And before you know it, you'll either be in paradise or dead.
The entire JW doctrine in a nutshell! Good! Greven