I have four cats. One of them is declawed. He weighs at least 22lb (last time I weighed him) He is huge and likes to smack our miniature pincher (weighs about 3 to 5 lbs) around when they are playing. He never showed any indication of problems from having his front paws declawed.
Does your cat eat grass?
by JH 54 Replies latest jw friends
Myself. I only just saw your comment on the previous page...too funny! roflmao
I cant believe this thread is so long.
Brummie, I keep checking in to see what is updated here. I wouldn't have suspected it would have gone this long either. What a subject! There are a lot of us cat lovers here.
My cats never went outside to eat grass but I think they would if they did. They wanted to eat all my house plants. I had to trade them in for fake house plants.
Well, it ended up that Smokey ran away. Don't know what happened to him. Sure hope he found him a good home somewhere.
Maybe he ended up at a place like mine. Every cat within blocks who needs help manages to find my back door. It's like infallible kitty radar. I swear there's a little kitty sign out there that says, "Suckers live here"...just a couple of days ago I looked out to see a Cornish Rex (kind of a rare breed) gorging himself on my potted catnip. I walked outside and made his aquaintance. He was very friendly (and bossy - if I remember right, one of the breeds that went into the making of the Cornish Rex was Siamese). He even let me pick him up (when he was full ) and carry him around the neighborhood looking for his owner (cats like that aren't usually found wandering outside). I was very relieved when we found his house (he'd got out when the dogs were let out).
Declawing: I have known people who swear that their cats aren't affected by it. I've met some that seem OK. It's certainly better than killing them or throwing them outside to die young, but every single cat I've ever had with serious personality problems (hating other cats, spraying, aggression, fear) was declawed. I don't think it's coincidence. Also, anyone who would declaw a cat on all 4 paws should be shot.
All three of mine are declawed but we had it done very young. They are big babies although Jag will swat my dog across the room he is so huge LOL The only one that doesn't like his paws touched is Jag. But we have no problem (except for antique lamp breaking and plant destroying ) Wolvie and Whisp go crazy at night playing but that's all. Whisper peed until we fixed her. THEY do get irritated if there litter isn't clean
It's true they don't need claws to put a dog in it's place When we farmed we had a doberman cross (total goob)...one day Max, one of our medium sized but muscular toms was sitting with his back to me. I reached over to grab something off the ground and lightly brushed his back. Max thought it was the dog messing with him (they didn't fight but goober-the-dog liked to try to play, Max had more dignity than that), and spun around with a roundhouse and nailed me with his closed paw (no claws) that hurt. And left a bruise. I was amazed at how hard he could hit! Of course Maxie was horrified when he realized he'd hit me instead. He was all purrrrs and rubbing and "I'm sorry, don't cut back on the kibble, it was the dog's fault." It always impressed me that a rather small cat didn't feel he needed claws to put a rather large dog in his place.
Lady Lee
Wow everybody's cats are beautiful.
Both mine have all their claws and they sit very nicely for me to trim them and get a treat. We have a couple of things in the house they are allowed to scratch on - a footstool and a carpet nailed to the wall downstairs.
I too have replaced all my plants with silks and one still tries to eat it
One real danger for them is that string they put on balloons and gifts. One will try to swallow that stuff until he is foaming at the mouth - The Maine Coon - the ditz of the family
The other is way too dignified to put himself in that situation
My cat eats grass and licks everything. from carpet to shoes to computer monitors.. i have a strange cat.
Sheila M.
Thanks for your comforting words.
I rather think that's what happened to my kitty. It's great to know there are people out there like you.