Yeah is this not just anothor "burden" for us, similar to the tree in the garden of eden. There was nothing actually wrong with eating the fruit, but jehovah ordered it not to be eaten aas a test of Adam & Eves faith. Isn't not having blood just the same?
Need some help on the blood issue
by TemeculaMole 12 Replies latest jw friends
Gadget, no it is not the same. Adam and Eve's lives weren't threatened if they didn't eat the fruit!
The context of Genesis 9:4 is that the human race was starting over again with Noah and his family and, just as God had informed the first humans what they were expected to do and what they were not allowed, so likewise God was informing this second Adam what was allowed and what was prohibited. There were some new ground rules. A comparison with Genesis 1:29,30 shows a change inasmuch as man was now allowed to kill for food.
But just after saying this he is then told that man's life may not be taken, by man or beast, because he is in the image of God. (vss 5,6). Although God is now allowing man to take the life of any animal for food, man is to know and be constantly reminded that he is touching something, which, because it is life, is in a special manner God's property, and as a sign of this he is to abstain from the blood. It is an acknowledgement that all life, animal and human, belong to God.