DISTRICT ASSEMBLY 5/24/03 3:40 PM "Beware of the voice of Strangers".
1) Counterfeit words: Beware of those using "counterfeit words"
2) Flirting: Young ones need to avoid being lured into relationships with un-believers.
3) You trust your Christian parents...Listen to them. You also trust those taking the lead among you..Such as Elders. Come to them if you have problems, or any sins to confess.
BEWARE OF APOSTATE WEBSITES- Attendees admonished to avoid this "snare of satan" and "shun badness". Speaker makes statement "There are even web site "chat forums" , filled with such hateful speech, and so blatantly apostate, that no doubt Jehovah himself is sickened by their lies and distortions of righteous truth". He continued.."We need to test inspired expressions, how? We do well to ask ourselves..."Is what these apostates saying different from what the Faithful and Discreet slave class say? "Jesus himself said at Acts 3:23 to listen to this Faithul Slave". "Flee from badness" Rom. 16:17. And by all means brothers.. DO NOT RETURN TO THE APOSTATES DOCTRINAL VOMIT". Some websites even offer questions to ask our brothers and sisters in service...AS IF THEY COULD STUMBLE THEM BY TWISTING WORDS AROUND, IN ORDER TO MAKE JAH'S ORG. APPEAR TO BE OUT OF STEP WITH THE TRUTHFUL SAYING'S OF GOD'S WORD.
5) MEDIA: Do not listen to the "FALSE STORIES" being presented as of late in the media. "many of our brothers have been stumbled by the these FALSE STORIES reports from apostates attempting to manipulate the media against Jehovah's organization. "Keep your senses".
There's more to come........