Have you ever had a "part" in an assembly?

by doodle-v 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • doodle-v

    Well guys, I've been part of this discussion group for about two weeks and I must say it's been really fun! I always look forward to reading everyone's thoughts on so many different topics.

    I grew up in the troof, so needless to say it was a major part of my life. My whole childhood was engulfed in meetings, field service, book study, bible study, watchtower study. and the occasional j-dub "gatherings"

    I was thinking about one particular time when my family had a "part" in the assembly. It was the circuit assembly, and we had a part in a "demonstration" I was 13 yrs old at the time, so i dont exactly remember what the talk was about. It had to do with paying attention at the meeting or something along those lines. They had four rows of chairs on the podium and there were several other brothers and sisters, sitting there pretending that we were at a "meeting" we were to play the "good" family so we sat there and paid rapt attention. the other brothers and sisters that had a part would all play their roles as "bad" jw's pretending to talk, chew gum, sleep while the brother who gave the talk would comment- see what they are doing? what kind of example are they setting for interested ones that might be in attendance?

    The audience got a kick out of it and applauded of course.

    So what's my point? well I just remember thinking, as i was sitting up there, how it would have been much more fun to play the "bad" family! hehe

    Have any of you given or been a part of a demonstration at an assembly? If so, what was it and what do you think about it now?

  • Makena1

    Hey Doodle - welcome to the board!

    Yes, I recall that assembly part very well - our family was the "model" family while all sorts of mayhem was going on around us.

    I guess we did such a good job, that we were "rewarded" with several talks, and parts at future assemblies. I found out later after we stopped attending how much my son "enjoyed the priviledge".

    Looking forward to your future posts,


  • Beans

    I think I recall being part of a mock family bible study at one of the circuit assemblies eh! That was my 15 mins of JW fame!



  • logansrun

    Damn, I've given so many parts I can't even tell you what all of them were. This isn't to brag or anything. Hell, I was doing well in a cult. Yeah, that's braggable.

    I had the number 2 talk at a CA once. I also was interviewed on three DC parts, about three or four CA's and had three demonstrations at the "special" (there's that word again) day for pioneers. Never did make the Tonight Show, though.


  • crownboy

    I was in a drama at a DC once. A talking (or should I say lip-sinking ?) part.

    I remember seeing a part on the convention similiar to the one you describe. I wished I was one of the bad kids, too.

  • freedom96

    Several times I talked about my experiences talking about the "truth" to my classmates. Actually there was only one time I talked about it, and damn it, he became a witness!

    I must have told that story 3 or 4 times. I remember I had to come back to the assembly several times. There must not have been enough encouraging experiences for each circuit.

    Did a family study a few times on stage.

  • doodle-v

    I was in a drama at a DC once. A talking (or should I say lip-sinking ?) part.

    lol! I remember wanting to be in a drama set in bible times because i thought the costumes were so kewl. hehe

    I hated it when they had a "modern day" drama- that always seemed so dull.

  • Huxley

    I always wanted to be in a "Biblical times" drama. Mostly so I could have a Sword and a Beard. The twin forbidden fruits...


  • drwtsn32

    I have had a few parts in Circuit Assemblies. Mostly just skits... no personal experiences or anything.

  • drwtsn32

    doodle-v : Nice avatar by the way. I love Futurama!

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