Now that we have left the organization, how can we get everlasting life? I have found the answer!
There is so much wonderful information this site I am just floored. If only I had found this sooner!!
by drwtsn32 11 Replies latest jw friends
Now that we have left the organization, how can we get everlasting life? I have found the answer!
There is so much wonderful information this site I am just floored. If only I had found this sooner!!
My wife and I couldn't stop laughing when we were looking at this site. It's just so sad because this guy is serious.
I found out about it when I was watching "Unscrewed" on TechTV.
He's telling the truth, imbecile. The product works as described, and there is indeed the mathematical system behind the movement of the universe that he talks about.
Here is some circular reasoning:
Since God is infinite, beyond perfection there is perfection,
and before trial and error there were trial and error.
He was, he is, and he always will be.
Where are we from? Trial and error. What is our goal?
How can we reach God? My friend, God is with us.
How can we walk the road of God? Reach perfection
Women will all bear beauty, careness, and honesty.
Men will all bear wisdom, love, and loyalty.
The product works as described
Wow, Jehovah. I don't know what to say. So when Adam and Eve sinned, you took away their magnetic rings? Is that what grew on the tree of life? Damn, we better not let that secret get out!
and there is indeed the mathematical system behind the movement of the universe that he talks about.
So gravity is caused by static electricity?
Here he discusses the germ fighting power of the magnetic rings:
And in the section where he talks about how the rings work:
I love how he calls flesh "meat"!
truly precious! thanks for the laugh!
If you are not satisfied with the products, you have 90 days to refund them.
so if the rings don'T work and you die within 90 days you get your money back?? sounds good to me!
This guy was interviewed on "Unscrewed" on TechTV. It was hilarious. The host said: "So, if I wear the rings and get hit by a bus will I still die?" And the guy says: "Oh, you can still die." lol
It was hilarious... at the beginning of the interview the host asked what scientific background the guy had. He said nonchalantly that he had no scientific background at all.
The host wasn't blatantly making fun of him, so I don't think Mr. Chiu picked up on it.
so if the rings don'T work and you die within 90 days you get your money back??
Yeah. But if you're dead you may have trouble physically mailing them back. Also, if you stop wearing the rings you'll start to age normally. Also, it is critical that polarity on the two rings is reversed or it will have a detrimental effect on your health.
On that interview he said he was trying all sorts of positions for the magnets. He finally invented the rings but first did not reverse the polarity between the two rings. He got really sick. He then had the inspiration that you should reverse the polarity. After that he has been in fabulous health and has stopped aging.
Well, I guess it's official: since Jehovah is posting on this forum, we must be the new "chosen ones." Welcome! Um, can I get you a latte or something? Maybe sit at your right hand? Oh, wait, that spot's taken -- sorry, my bad.