why did jehovah create corona virus?

by stan livedeath 32 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    why did jehovah create the strains of corona virus ?

    is it part of the great tribulation that is closer than ever now ?

    what if lots of his people die from it ?

    would any of our lurking jehovah's witnesses like to explain ?

  • JoenB75
    We forget so easily the spanish flu took out many Millions (17-100 according to wiki) in 1918-20. The Corona virus has a long way to go if it gets anywhere near that bodycount
  • notsurewheretogo

    They would say He didn't that it is a mutation as a result from the fall from perfection...just like the leech was not supposed to suck blood or animals tear each other to pieces...it is all as a result of the fall from grace.

    You can't reason with them on subjects like this.

    A flower blooming after a land decimated by a natural disaster is a sign of beauty and shows God's wonderful nature but the blood-sucking creature that lays eggs inside another animal where its young eat from inside out and kill the creature is a result of Satan and the imperfection introduced along with the unnatural effect of the environment.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath
    JoenB752 minutes agoWe forget so easily the spanish flu took out many Millions (17-100 according to wiki) in 1918-20. The Corona virus has a long way to go if it gets anywhere near that bodycount

    spanish flu--which didnt originate in Spain..is a strain of corona virus. there are many.
  • ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara
    why did jehovah create the strains of corona virus ?

    To show us insignificant humans who is Boss


  • 2+2=5

    I don’t think the Spanish flu is a corona, it’s influenza style.

    The covid19 has symptoms more in line with a rhinovirus which is the common cold.

  • FedUpJW

    why did jehovah create the strains of corona virus ?

    Well according to one of the eldurrs in my locality it was to signal, "The start of what we have so anxiously been waiting and hoping for. And SOON we will be in paradise." Sick SOB.

  • Anna Marina
    Anna Marina

    Don't ask me why coronavirus exists. You may as well ask me why there are earthquakes and wars. But... have you thought of this - social distancing make paedophilia very difficult. That's a big plus for some.

    Imagine being a little girl at school and being subjected in the playground to things the boys have learnt in class from their teachers. Imagine how you'd feel afterwards. Suicidal maybe? And no one listens and you don't even have the words to explain. Then it comes to light what has happened and you get blamed as the perpetrator and you don't even know what you are doing and in your bewiderment you cry out to God. Next day - all the schools close. You might be one very happy little girl again.

  • Finkelstein

    He's probably just testing it out to see how effective it would be at Armageddon.

    The bible says he's going to throw fire balls down to earth killing many but my guess he's keeping his options open.

  • JimmyYoung

    since god does not exist I guess its just nature.

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