Unnecessary Rant:
Dammit. I hate the Kingdom Hall even more than before. Last Saturday, I received two 2-week old kittens from the animal shelter to foster until they were old enough for adoption. I woke up every few hours to feed them in the middle of the night and of course I had to attend the services Sunday morning even though I was exhausted. Yeah. The dog killed both kittens while we were there because someone left the door open to the bathroom. And she bit one's head off. That was the most disturbing thing I have ever seen in person. I had a nervous breakdown. And I told my mum that God had a damn nice way of rewarding me for going to church to worship him even though I wanted to stay home anyway. She ignored that, then today was Bible study, I told her I wasn't going. I said that apparently her god did not care about my mental well-being, especially considering that my 9-year old cousin had just died the week before. That was way too much for me to handle at once. And what did she say to that? Satan's trying to make me angry with Jehovah and I am going to Bible study. Well, at least Satan will give me the time of day. Jehovah has yet to answer any of my prayers. *sigh*
Anyone have anything that could make me feel better? I'm emotionally exhausted and my mother is not being the least bit supportive. I guess that goes to show I won't be getting out of the borg for another 2 years.