US finds evidence of WMD at last!!!
by Abaddon 11 Replies latest social current
In an effort to explain why no chemical or biological weapons had been found in Iraq, the US defence secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, said yesterday the regime may have destroyed them before the war.
... but then, they already knew that didn't they?
I would love to see exactly how far the American Apologists will go in trying to make this smell like anything other than planned deceit. I've got no problem with a country wanting to take the lead in moving the International Community from an unstable period to a stable one. But if they consistantly show that they lie and have double standards, I have severe problems trusting them.
Iraq destroyed their WMD stockpile. But they had to use something really powerful to do it. Like WMD.
LOL.......and this surprises who?
Haha !
I suppose they will find WOMD in the end; just to save themselves. They will probably plant them there.
If Rumsfeld and his puppet Bush wasnted he WMD's destroyed (in the threat of war) surely they believe Iraq would have notified the world that they HAD destroyed the WMDs prior to the deadline for bombing. The Bush Junta makes less and less sense every day. The scary thing is they are almost a shoe-in for reelection.
I wonder how one immigrates to Canada.
I'm sure Thi Chi will have a good explanation for this
Maybe he'll have an article saying this was planted by some terrorist group.
This is far from suprising...and I'm not really sure what the connection is between hazardous waste clean up and Iraq is, except for the irony involved.
I would imagine there is tons and tons of chemical/biohazard waste that is still laying around and buried on millitary property...There is a small air force base outside of Dallas that was basically closed down and left just the way it was...the whole place was polluted w/airplane fuel and toxic waste...they just left it there for the city to clean up...there was also a small lake right next to it that is poisoned and not fit for fishing anymore...which really ticks me off! However, none of that has to do w/the current administration and I doubt the mess described in that article has anything to do w/ them doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out, but apparently it takes a "really smart" journalist to...sheesh..
District Overbeer