30? 40? Yeah yeah, I know youre only as young as you feel, but is a 35 year old middle aged or young? What about 40? 30? thank You.
What do you consider middle aged?
by IronGland 26 Replies latest jw friends
I guess I would have to say mid to late 40's to mid to late 50's is middle aged.
I consider 50 middle aged. Middle of 100, which seems to be a long, healthy life.
When you can join AARP
so I guess 30's is kinda considered an older young person, huh? For those who have completed their 30's, did you feel (healthwise) the same as your 20's? What age do you start getting wrinkles and minor arthritis?
91 y 8 m 24 d
Are you really 91
That would have been very young in Adam's era
JH, no, im no where close to 91. I wmessed up when setting my age and now I get an error whenever I attempt to change it. Im 30.
Thanks for the welcome Spunky.
I am closing in on 30 and I do not feel a difference coming on. When I was in my early 20's everybody would say that I was just a kid and not that I am pushing 30, they still say that. Maybe I just hang around people that are alot older than me I don't know I keep wondering how old I have to get before I'm not a "kid" anymore.
About 55 is my guess. True, 40-50 should be "middle aged" but as adults we are still so active and productive at that age. 55ish is when it sounds more like middle age. Kids might be out of the house by then, maybe you are retired. Life should be going through another, more relaxing time. A second phaze, if you will. Next, maybe in the 70's, is old!