Obviously we learn from each other. There's absolutely nothing wrong with writing commentaries as Farkel has and having others find something worthwhile in what he says. At the same time, there's nothing wrong with reading Farkel's thoughts and getting an enhanced perspective on ideas we already have. The problem is when the writer steps far outside the boundaries of common courtesy and proceeds to excoriate others. I don't know about you but there are enough jerks in my real life that I don't need to click on here and have to see the postings of yet another one.
It's bad enough when people fail to acknowledge or even SEE the pain that Farkel causes by the disrespect he gives the person who disagrees with him and the words he uses to express his disrespect. It's worse when they *do* see it and only make excuses – or worse: try to give what really are bad manners a certain cache or cool or attempt to attach a wittiness to something we wouldn't THINK of tolerating in anyone else. That's what I mean by cult mentality. Here, you've been outspoken in your disagreement with me. When's the last time you did that with Farkel when he was clearly in the wrong?
As it is with Farkel, so it is with all of us. We bring both good and bad things, positive and negative traits. When picking friends (or just associates) the question we all face is: is there enough good in this person that it far outweighs the bad. With Farkel, for all of his good, the answer for me is, No, the good does not outweigh the bad. So I'd rather not see, hear, or read any of his comments – not if I have to read so much ugliness along with the little good that might be there.
You are an inigma to me. You can be a great poster and say some fine things....then turn around and come up with this stuff. What the hells up with that?
I'm imperfect. Not everything I say or do is brilliant. In that respect, I'm a bit like Farkel wouldn't you say? Just not nearly as disrespectful.