Actually, a lot of what Powell said in the UN is proven. The rest remains to be proven or disproven, but NOTHING Powell said at the UN has been shown to be a lie. The mobile Bio-Labs are a good example of the naysayers being wrong and Powell being right.
Speak out against those who use violence to make this planet a worst place, and in the process line their pockets, that's what. What did you do to make this planet a better place?
Really? you spoke out against Saddam Hussein, WHEN, WHERE! You Speak out against the violence perpetrated by Al Qaeda? WHEN, WHERE! You've spoke out against Yasir Arafat? WHEN, WHERE! WHEN and WHERE have you spoke out against any of the world's despots? Your criticism seems to be reserved for the United States. Lining their pockets? BASELESS ACCUSATIONS, where's the proof.
Like you know the whole story... you already admitted to not knowing....what makes your comments more educated or informed than others.
My opinion on military operations, expecially Special Ops, comes from five years of working in the Special Ops community and serving 13 years in the military. What is the basis of your expertise to accuse them of lying. You're not a pacafist, you're a gutless coward.
So why get bent all out of shape if you can't answer. If you believe you have a right to support a cause based on half truths, then I'm entitled to the same.
The cause you support? What cause is that, the "Attack the Bush Administration at any cost and it's ok to lie" cause? I can't answer for the Pentagon I can answer for the soldiers involved, it's this comment I'm uspet about, you called me, them and all soldiers a liar. You've questioned my integrity. I take you to task for that you spineless twit.