One of the signs of the "last days" is that there would be "no natural affection" shown. People would be "self-assuming, haughty, disloyal, without love of goodness, headstrong, puffed up with pride, having a form of godly devotion but proving false to its power,(and from these turn away)."......Does this not describe Jehovah's Witnesses today??? Those qualities are found in the most ardent adherents to this religion. As 2Tim. 3:13 says about these so-called "brothers", "But wicked men and imposters will advance from bad to worse, misleading and being misled." Every one of these bad traits are shown by the "worldwide brotherhood" when a friend or family member is disfellowshipped. You are told that you cannot love someone "dead" in Jehovah's eyes. You must not treat a disfellowshipped person with "love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness and self-control".You must HATE the wickedness as well as the person. "HATE" the things that Jehovah hates. If we were in Israelite times, we would have been able to kill such ones but we can't because of the laws of the land, lamented one Watchtower! Surely, Jehovah God must be sickened by the callousness of those that try to use his name to hurt, beat and abuse those that are said to be "a people for His name". Disfellowshipping as practiced by Jehovah's Witnesses is SO WRONG. It violates EVERY Christian motivation and action. It is not a matter of showing loyalty to Jehovah God. It is a matter of showing loyalty to an organization that wraps itself under the name of God and violates every one of his commandments.
JW Disfellowshipping Is a SIN Against God!
by minimus 15 Replies latest jw friends
Your reasoning do not match with those of Jehovah God:
It is for discipline YOU are enduring. God is dealing with YOU as with sons. For what son is he that a father does not discipline? 8 But if YOU are without the discipline of which all have become partakers, YOU are really illegitimate children, and not sons. 9 Furthermore, we used to have fathers who were of our flesh to discipline us, and we used to give them respect. Shall we not much more subject ourselves to the Father of our spiritual life and live? 10 For they for a few days used to discipline us according to what seemed good to them, but he does so for our profit that we may partake of his holiness. 11 True, no discipline seems for the present to be joyous, but grievous; yet afterward to those who have been trained by it it yields peaceable fruit, namely, righteousness." -
Your confusion is here......the discipline and chastisement comes from God. The wt is not God, they are men.
JW's are not disfellowshipped only for immorality but also for disagreeing with a teaching that could very well turn into new light ten years down the road. That is why I was never baptized....I did not believe that the 1914 generation teaching was right so I was not able to be baptized.... When they changed the CREATOR'S PROMISE on the awake mag. to the new light in 1995.... I suppose that they caught up with my thinking. How could that be true if the GB speaks for God and I don't. How on earth could I have more knowledge than those who claim to speak for God?
Double Edge
SOJ - -
Jesus NEVER shunned anyone, nor would He allow it. Jesus said that He and The Father are One... take it whatever way you want, they're either the same entity OR simply The Father and Jesus think alike ... whatever the case, Jehovah would NEVER shun anyone .... He calls all people, the good, the bad and the ugly to Him, doesnt't push them away. Shunning is truly EVIL and unloving, no matter what 'spin' the men who 'invented' it would have you believe, and someday they, as well as those who participate in it, will have to answer for all the destruction they have brought to people's lives. ANYONE who thinks it is of God is only fooling themselves. What suckers you have become of the evil one.
Disfellowshipping without shunning, yeah that's real discipline. Get real man. By your comments, you show that you don't know Jehovah. Sad.
SwordofJah, You misinterpet scripture. Discipline is one thing. We discipline our children because, as God, we love them. We do not show our love to them by ignoring them, refusing to speak to them, or viewing them as dead. That is not the Christian thing to do.....Even Christ spoke to the scribes and Pharisees. But yet, a JW will not act like Christ and speak to a fellow "sinner".
sword wrote:
Disfellowshipping without shunning, yeah that's real discipline. Get real man. By your comments, you show that you don't know Jehovah. Sad.
Sarcasm and insult will not pass for coherent argument here, sword. How about answering this? How did Paul's admonition to the congregation, not an elder body, to shun a PUBLICLY and unrepentent adulterer, become a policy to disfellowship those who come forward and reveal private sins? Where is the scripture that allows shunning for smoking, oral sex, divorce or not agreeing with 11 old men in Brooklyn over questionable policy?
When did the bible advocate disfellowshipping ones who blow the whistle on lying by elders and GB members? Where is the scripture that allows the df'ing of victims when they go to the police?
Answers, please.
Pisoff, your questions are so sad. Leave poor SOB alone.
SOJ: In answer to your scripture. Next time you see a parent walk off from his 5 year old when the 5 year old walks out of a store with a candy bar, let me know. How would you view that parent if he/she acted like they never knew their child? Hang their head in shame every time they saw that child? That isn't loving discipline.
I'd like to know who the SOB was that woke up Butter Knife of Jah. You know that idiot couldn't reason his way out of a wet paper sack.