Friends of the other sex in the JW's

by JH 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • happyout

    My best friend from elementary school through high school was a guy. No one seemed to care until he got his driver's license, then suddenly it was a big deal that we hung out together, and drove to school together. It honestly never occured to me to think of him as anything but a brother until some nosy sisters starting telling me he would make good husband material. In all our time together we never kissed, touched, nothing of that nature, and yet, the older people started giving us a rough time. Talk about a tempest in a teapot!


  • sandy
    Coming back from the field service, It was wrong to get a sister off last

    I always preferred to get the brothers off first too. LOL

  • unique1

    I never understood that sitting beside each other thing. If you were dating somebody, it was ok to sit next to them at your home, with a chaperon of course, or next to them at the movies or a restaurant, again with chaperons, but you couldn't sit with them in the house of god? WHATEVER!!! Like if you sat beside a single member of the opposite sex at a meeting, you were just gonna jump their bones right there? Give me a break.

  • freedom96

    After I left the organization, it felt sooooooo weird being alone with a girl. Exciting though!!

  • Redneck

    Now unique1 ya know thats what ya were thinking bout all the time..

    If you were dating somebody, it was ok to sit next to them at your home, with a chaperon of course, or next to them at the movies or a restaurant, again with chaperons,

    And don't forget we need to see everyones hands at all times too......

    Sandy you sure were a thoughtful sister..

  • Francois

    No, no, no, no. Good guys always finish last. Says so in the Good Book. Somewhere. Don't it?


  • Mecurious?

    No, no, no, no. Good guys always finish last.

    good point'

  • Billygoat
    After I left the organization, it felt sooooooo weird being alone with a girl.

    Same here. What they don't realize is keeping males and females apart like that just creates more of a curiosity to do things you shouldn't. I had NO IDEA how to act around men when I left at 19. Which got me into a ton more trouble than if I'd be socialized correctly. (Haha! This makes me sound like a puppy. )

    It's only been within the last several years that I've learned the proper social skills.

  • Thirdson

    Even when I was a JW I never made 'sisters' sit in the back of my car. I viewed it that to do so would either mean to the sister that I didn't trust myself or I didn't trust them. I went out on field service with married and single sisters. I worked with everyone from kids to the elderly.

    I never had opposite sex friends until I quit being a JW. When I remarried I had a female friend (Kathy) be a grooms-person at my wedding. I see Kathy nearly everyday, I work with her now and occasionally we have lunch together. I have other opposite sex friends who I see less frequently. I don't see it as an issue at all. However, I think the Watchtower is preoccupied with sex and their doctrine is no one is trust worthy.


  • undercover

    I remember an elder saying one time, and this is almost word for word, "If two people are sitting together at the hall(male/female) then we should be expecting a wedding announcement soon". I kid you not.

    I remember sitting at a district convention with a group of friends and I got to sit next to a girl I had a crush on. I was 17 and driving myself to the meetings and assemblies and it was suggested to me after being seen sitting next to this girl that maybe I should sit with my parents.

    I remember coming in late to a meeting and I saw a cousin of my best friend visiting(a girl). So I sat next to her since I didn't see her that often. You'd have thought we had sex right there in the hall during the meeting for all the commotion that it caused.

    If they would lighten up on this opposite sex stuff and let parents raise their kids with proper morals, the witnesses would probably have less problems with fornication. It's like the old thought, if you think someone is bad and expect bad from them, they will go ahead and live up to your expectations. Same if you think good and expect good from them.

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