The Watchtower constantly threatens us that we MUST be on guard or else. Are you afraid that you will die at Armageddon???
Are You Afraid That You Will Die at Armageddon?
by minimus 55 Replies latest jw friends
No. As I recently told my husband, I have no more desire to live in their "Paradise" after Armageddon than he would have to live on Apostate Island.
No, as long as it is not by the " Sword of Jah "
run dont walk
Nope, that is the number one reason you must overcome to get out the Watchtower stranglehold. Once you realize this, it's easy to walk away.
A little, I haven't made my mind up about that yet.
Whatever happens, whatever anyone wants to call it, I will be ready. I feel I have a good relationship with God, and I am comfortable with what will happen to me.
Nope, not scared. And if there is a least I know I'll be there with my friends.
I would rather die at Armageddon than live forever with JWs and the WTS in control.
Yeh rite. Bring it on
I am not afraid right now...
If it did happen I'd be crappin' my pants, but what the hell can I do about it? So, I don't worry about it at all. If god wants me dead, then he does - that is that.