in retrospect: RBCs vs LDCs / the hype about a lot of new construction and subsequent abrupt halt to construction
by Magnum 45 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Thanks wifibandit. Downloaded a copy.
Paragraph 1 refers to "the changes being made to accelerate Kingdom Hall construction." [bold print, italics, and underlining added by me]. So, what the heck happened??? To me, it seems that Kingdom Hall construction slowed down, if not almost stopped altogether.
oh Morpheus what can I say?
It's heartbreaking.
Thank goodness good brother Smith kindly left the beautiful park to the community.....for generations of family's to enjoy the only paradise they Will ever know, and didn't trust the wtbts to manage THAT.
I can't imagine a modern dub being so generous to 'worldly' spawn of satan , or having the independence of mind to donate to the local cong and people, instead of the wtbts.
never a jw
something interesting to bump up for the newbies
in my area there has been talk again of a long promised new hall. It seems to be rumored, then goes away every few years or so.
nonjwspouse - "In my area there has been talk again of a long promised new hall. It seems to be rumored, then goes away every few years or so."
Kinda like the New System, huh?
Maybe they figure that a new KH is a bit easier for the R&F to swallow.