Merry Christmas

by jhine 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    I got my son a semi-auto Benelli Shotgun for Christmas this year. Can't wait to see the look on his face.

    But the Governing Nannys say that JW kids get gifts all year long and are better off.

    Kid: Oh wow Dad, What's in the box?

    Dad: Your new WT CD Rom library of course! It's how we conduct spiritual warefare.

    Kid: But Eric's dad got him a shotgun and is teaching him how to dove hunt.

    Dad: Guns are instruments of war. We don't do that. Go read your Watchtower and prepare for Armageddon. This weeks' lesson is on how to hide in your attic like a scared rat if your government takes away your rights.

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  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    @Sea Breeze--you are pulling our legs--arent you ? How old is your son ?

  • TonusOH

    SeaBreeze: But the Governing Nannys say that JW kids get gifts all year long and are better off.

    Oh, man, we used to use that excuse. 'We're not forced to buy presents once a year, we can buy them all year round!' We almost never bought presents for each other. The few presents I got as a kid were when my dad's family bought us Xmas presents.

    'Don't celebrate Valentine's Day! We can express love for each other at any time' said the people who never showed any affection towards their spouses.

    'Don't celebrate Thanksgiving! We can express thanks every day, not just once a year' they said, as they slaved over a turkey and sides. How often did they express thanks aside from the rote repetition of prayer? Pretty much never.

    But also, happy holidays everyone.

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  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze
    you are pulling our legs--arent you ? How old is your son ?

    Nope. But he is 18.

  • carla

    A very Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year to all of you!

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  • BluesBrother

    Sea Breeze , whilst I know that we come from a different culture, to us in Britain the whole idea of presenting a teenager with such a thing is…. Well, scary. I hope all goes well.

  • jhine

    I agree , the thought of buying a gun at all is totally foreign to us , but for a Christmas present wow .

    Guns are simply not part of our culture.

    Jan from Tam

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  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze
    whilst I know that we come from a different culture, to us in Britain the whole idea of presenting a teenager with such a thing is…. Well, scary.

    As it should be, to the enemy. Your culture wouldn't exist without mine.

    Meet Audie Murphy, the most decorated war hero in US history. He grew up shooting squirrels out of trees, huntng doves, & rabbits, and picking cotton. He's from Texas, as are most military special forces personnel I'm told.

    Forgotten Hollywood » Blog Archive » "Forgotten Hollywood"- Lone Star ...

    In northern Europe, Murphy made a name for himself. Some of the highlights of his actions are near Ramatuelle, France, where a group of German soldiers appeared to surrender, only to kill his best friend. Murphy then advanced under direct machine gun fire on the structure they occupied and wounded two of them, killed six, and took 11 prisoner.

    Soon after, he earned a Silver Star for taking out an enemy machine gun position, killing four Germans and wounding three near the L’Omet quarry. In the same place three days later, he advanced alone and under heavy fire on a hill with a radio and directed his men for an hour.

    When his unit caught up to him, they found Murphy alone, surrounded by 15 dead Germans and 35 wounded. His actions earned him a battlefield commission.

    Murphy’s most famous action was the one that earned him the Medal of Honor at the age of 19 in January 1945. During a routine advance near Holtzwihr, France, Murphy and his men were moving forward aboard an M-10 tank destroyer that took a direct hit from enemy fire, disabling it. He ordered his men to withdraw to a patch of nearby woods as he stayed in place with a field telephone to direct artillery fire. All the while, enemy forces continued to pour heavy fire on his position. His Medal of Honor citation details the heavy enemy casualties inflicted by American artillery. Nevertheless, German forces continued their attack, advancing on Murphy from three sides. Ignoring the grave danger, he climbed atop his burning M-10 — in danger of exploding at any moment — and began firing at the enemy with the vehicle’s .50-caliber machine gun, killing dozens of Germans and thwarting the attack.

    Murphy held his position, and later killed an entire German squad attempting to flank his position at a distance as close as 10 yards away. According to reports, when asked how close the Germans were to his position, he said, “Just hold the phone and I’ll let you talk to one of the bastards!”

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  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    @Sea Breeze

    well--lets hope your son doesnt blow your head off with it.

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    Stan, I realize what a shock it is to some folks when observing freedoms of others. It was one of the things that helped me to see what a mental prison the WT was.

    Perhaps it's hobbies like this that kids need. I grew up isiolated, scared, and powerless. It has taken a lifetime to try and reverse what my parents did to me. As JW's we were taught to run and hide in fear. My son is growing up confident, educated, and in control of his strength.

    While in university studying engineering, my son and some of his fellow students got up at 5am a few days ago and went to a reeded area on the coast and stood in cold waist deep water for hours duck hunting.

    It is equally hard for me to imagine a culture where stuff like this is not commonplace.

    It was for freedom that Christ set us free - Gal. 5: 1 (NASB)


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