William Osbeck-The CO that helped me get out of the borg.

by Sadie5 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • rocketman

    Sadie, thanks for relating that experience. Wow, it is powerful. This guy (the CO) looks at a piece of paper, sees numbers he doesn't like, and shows up at your door. No interest in looking at why the numbers were not what he wanted.

    Of course, just the fact that all they seem to care about is numbers shows the Pharisaic mentality they have. And the congregation was no better than he was.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    I'm very sorry to hear this Sadie. I cannot imagine showing up at your house and seeing (literally) what you had to deal with and not immediately offering to help you in some way right then and there.

    You were weighed down and depressed when he was there and it lifted when you found out the truth about "the truth". I believe God didn't build crap. This is a good example of that.

    I have a hard time feeling sorry for COs and DOs who complain that they are "trapped". Supposedly some know this organization is full of BS, but they have no skills and nowhere to go, so they stay. But it's people like William Osbeck that are creating heartache for hundreds if not thousands of people.

    But his day is coming. When he is no longer of any use to the organization, they will throw him aside and then what will he have to show for all those years? Karma's a bitch isn't it?

  • Sunspot

    Dearest Sadie......I SO understand! Back in 1999, I had two different and unrelated chronic conditions that flared up and kept me housebound for several months. The ONLY phone calls I got were asking if I had any "time" to turn in......and when the "brothers" dropped in one evening to make a "shepherding call", and proceeded to "upbuild" me by reading in Hebrews where we should not "forsake the gathering of ourselves together".......well, my blood boiled! (I also had a 10 year-old Autistic and ADHD grandson I was caring for while I was on crutches) and they didn't seem to give a flying fig about what I was going through every day just trying to "keep up" with the responsibilities around here.

    Halfway through the "reading" I leaned over and said...."Would YOU like to hear what encourages ME when I get "down"?" and they said yes, so I read the scripture in Psalms that says "He is opening up His hand and satisfying the desire of every living thing"....and then I told them that if I COULD be "at the meetings" don't they think I WOULD have?" I was really pissed off at those insensitive turds whose main goal was to get my "time" and to tell me I NEEDED to be at the meetings!!! It STILL pisses me off, and reading posts like yours only reinforces my hatred of the mindset of JWs all over again.

    They're STILL insensitive turds.

    Bless your heart, Sweetie.....and be glad that your tiny ones won't have to be dragged to endless boring meetings and miss out on a normal childhood :o)

    Enjoy your life and your freedom from the Witchtower Babble and Trick Sassiety!



  • SixofNine

    (((((Sadie))))) so you "hitched your wagon to a star" eh?

    I'm almost ashamed of my (mostly positive, at the time) thoughts towards Osbeck, but they make me realize just how beat down I was while in the borg. A good beating satisfied my spiritual needs.

    Sadie, would you think about editing the title of your post. "my letter to Osbeck" or something that shows his name? I'm convinced that would bring lurkers who know him into the thread.

  • gumby
    This guy (the CO) looks at a piece of paper, sees numbers he doesn't like, and shows up at your door. No interest in looking at why the numbers were not what he wanted.

    Well put Rocketman!

    Sadly this is how they are set up.........with numbers. Time, attendance, amounts, take precedent over concern for the well being of the individual much of the time in dubdom. A person has to wonder HOW normal people who naturally have fellow feeling as much as the next guy........does not behave this way any longer when he becomes a dub and recieves a position as a shepard over others.

    This is a prime example of why the organisation is destructive to people. It speaks of love, unity, fellowship........yet guages how these things will be measured out according to the.... " spiritual output" of the one in need.


  • Sadie5

    Thanks everyone for the comments. If I knew how to edit the title, I would. Could someone please tell me how?


  • blondie


    Click on the blue lettered title on your original post

    At the bottom of the thread you will see an "edit" choice after "reply"

    Click on that

    That will bring up your post in the original window you typed it

    Then you should be able to go up to the title, change it, and re-send it

    I hope I'm not missing something


  • outnfree

    First, ((((((((((((Sadie))))))))))). I am always heartened by the stories of those who refused to subjugate their own humanity to the will of the WT Society. Amen! to the poster who said you picked the right thing -- your family -- to expend your time on! Thank you for sharing this so others might gain strength to do likewise.

    and (((((((((Annie)))))))))) Bless you!

    These horrible stories of unfeeling, uncaring, automaton visiting overseers are all too common! Some local elders aren't far behind, either... Makes my blood boil.

    (I see Blondie has told you how to edit the title, so there's no "Second" anymore. )

    Thanks again for posting everyone. Good thread!


  • Sadie5

    Thanks for the help Blondie, I did it!

  • ozziepost

    G'day Sadie,

    I've just shown your post to Mrs Ozzie. She says to tell you she can relate to much of what you've experienced! I'm sure there are many hundreds if not thousands who could join you!

    I guess you can be very thankful to this C.O. for perhaps without him you might still be at the KH and on the obligatory 'guilt trip'.

    Cheers, Ozzie

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