Should Jehovahs Witnesses be banned by our Governments?

by Brummie 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • MikeMusto

    labor law violations at bethel??

    you must be kidding

  • jgnat

    Banning is a lousy idea, for all the reasons already mentioned. So how can our MP or Congressman help us? Here is a scenario I thought of.

    Play an "if we can't beat 'em join 'em" game. Politicians can play even if they don't understand all the problems that it would cause for the WTS. Invite higher-ups in the WTS organization over to tea, or a beer (whatever their preference), just to talk. Invite more dialogue, open forums, and discussions. This could be expanded to include discussions with various religious groups in the community. Meet, greet, and get lots of photos.

    Then publish the results, with pictures, extolling how well the WTS higher-ups are cooperating with the government. Let sites like this one take it from there.

  • Joker10

    A while backm I asked this same question and everybody said NO. It is religious freedom and human rights. If they ban the Witnesses, they ban everyone from expresseing their opinions and choosing their lifstyle. It is just not fair.

  • be wise
    be wise

    Don't ban - prosecute!

    The WTS are responsible for so much it makes me sick!

    Everyone has the right to religious freedom but what happens when they over step that mark - they should have to answer to someone, to humanity. It's our responsability.

  • Swan

    I don't think they should be banned, but they should be held accountable to the laws of the land just like everyone else. Child abuse, including beatings that occur out back of the KH, and refusal of lifesaving medical procedures, should be vigorously pursued. Those who help cover up those crimes when they are obligated by law to report it should face obstruction of justice charges. Tax evasion, environmental laws that are broken, and all of the other things that they get away with should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.


  • avengers

    Ban them? No

    Destroy the GB, by their own words or any other way.

    "Let my people go."

  • D8TA

    Though the great personal harm that the WTBTS has given me....I have to say that banning them would be a mistake. Everyone is entitled to their belief....and though I and many have had great harm from such organization....perhaps there's a purpose to it's existence. Perhaps not. In a way, though I'm pissed at it, I'm kind of greatful for it. For there would be many roads in which I would of never trekked, nor question asked....had it been for their deceptive ways.

  • obiwan

    I don't think they should be banned. Even though I hate the jw org, if they were banned that would be one step closer to limiting our freedom, other beliefs would soon follow being banned. I do however think the government should expose them for what they are, a mind controlling org that destroy's lives and families.

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