I agree with WTWizard. We had opportunities to develop work ethics.You could have a paper route at 9 or 10 years old and not get mugged and plus who deliver papers these days, adults in cars. Summer time there were jobs for high school kids, but not today. Who works at the big Mac these days or at the car wash, folks that are adults with families. In other words there are not a lot of places where young folks can develop a good work ethic before they become an adult. My first job a paper route (8-9 years old), cut lawns, car wash and worked in a restaurant through high school. Those same jobs today for someone under the age of 16, forget it...
Does the younger generation have our work ethic?
by compound complex 21 Replies latest jw friends
compound complex
Thank you, pepperheart, steve2, cha ching, and WTWizard for your further insights. (edited to add: Old Navy and James Mixon)
While incorporating your thinking into my own and seeing matters from a broader vantage point, I get the sense you are not quoting from an old Awake!
The comment below is an example of a workplace scenario that surely does exist, yet not once have I considered how poorly treated employees might react to a bad boss, unsafe working conditions, etc. There are situations, conditions, and attitudes I have never before given thought to.
So, they react to slavery by not showing up or by doing a lousy job for their masters. -- WTWizard
Ha ha I can answer the reason that is so very simply!
Lack of boredom! Boredom stimulates creativity in kids....making lemonade stands, designing your own comic, running errands etc They dont want, or need, to do these things because they have their computers to keep them busy, entertained etc etc They literally never get bored and have everything at their fingertips.
To be fair they also dont have the freedom we did in terms of independence to go out and sbout alone in their tweens and teens. My boys will have to be at least 16 before I would allow them out alone, and even then with trepidation (we are in London, they are 12 and no kids are out alone at that age around here). I was wslking home from school and calling on friends alone at 8. My brother had a paper round at 10, that would be unthinkably dangerous now.
compound complex
Wonderful comments, Diogenesister! Thank you.
Yes, in the '50s here in California it was as you described. I live in a gated and patrolled community and we have to be careful and watchful.
Interesting comments from you and others regarding paper routes. Sure don't see kids on bikes throwing your newspaper in the bushes anymore!
I don’t think it is a generation thing. There have always been slackers in the workforce. Those who are productive and those who are there for a free ride. I envy lazy people
Some do. Some don't. I imagine those that do appreciate the question almost as much as we did.
nancy drew
The 1950's was a great time to be a kid. I remember an old lady on our block that would give me roll of butter rum lifesavers if I would go to the corner store for her.
I think it largely depends on the individuals and how they have been brought up. My parents raised me with a set of values that I know I will pass on to my kids.
Among such values is :
- Respect your boss and expect the same respect back.
- Work hard and be proud of what you do.
- Take ownership of your mistakes. Otherwise, you will keep making them.
- Be there when it counts. If you have to work 24 hours straight to help your boss out of a mess, so be it.
- If your job is not a fit for you, find something else. You are unable to find something else now? Make plans for an exit (education, training, second Job, etc). In the meantime, shut up and put up.
- Success is a happy mixture of hard work and pure chance.
- Don't be a "clocker". Be flexible and expect the same flexibility from your boss.
- Communicate and be very open with your boss.
These things have nothing to do with "generations", I believe they are passed down from parents to children and have everything to do with how parents raise their kids.
Heavenly Father, forgive us for our falling shorts
compound complex
Heavenly Father, forgive us for our falling shorts -- SBF
WT conductor: We'll get a comment now from Sister Payne . . . in the rear.
Excellent points, Stephane and Nancy!
[ . . .] give me roll of butter rum lifesavers if I would go to the corner store for her.
- Be there when it counts. If you have to work 24 hours straight to help your boss out of a mess, so be it. [hard to do when you gotta be at the meeting NO MATTER WHAT]